Town Centre Community Services HV & SN – BUPCTP 21

Placement Overview

Placement Title Town Centre Community Services HV & SN – BUPCTP 21
Your Placement Contact Eddie Clegg, Jane Barnes,Jacqueline Hall – Send Email
Placement Contact’s Role Eddie (Manager), Jane, Jacqueline (PELs)
Placement Address Hollinsbrook Park, Little 66, Roach Bank Road, Bury, BL9 8RN
Placement City/Town: Bury
Placement Phone 0161 716 1380
Your University Contact: Angela Lee – Send Email

About this placement

What is organised for students on commencement of placement?

The placement strives to provide an overview of the health visiting service.

This will incorporate exposure to both universal service and also targeted health visiting work. The main focus of the placement is to develop a working knowledge of health visiting in relation to public health. On a student’s first day, we have a student welcome pack and an introduction to the placement area will be undertaken.  Time will be set aside to provide an outline of trust policies and also health visiting polices to enable students to set specific learning outcomes in particular areas of interest.  We also look at safeguarding awareness and begin discussions regarding building resilience and also the importance of reflective practice in relation to both adult and child safeguarding practice.

What are the arrangements for mentors/assessors?

There are a number of mentors in the team and students will be allocated to mentors on a rota basis.  The team strives to support students on placement by offering a team approach and students will be encouraged to work with team members to maximise the placement experience.  Within the team, staff members have specific work streams in relation to infant feeding, nutrition and additional needs.   All team members are safeguarding supervisors and there is specific team experience in relation to child development, additional needs/complex families and new born screening.

What shift patterns are students allocated for learning?

Shift Notes:

Days: Students will work core service hours with their mentor.

This is 09:00 – 17:00, Monday to Friday

Notes: Students are not expected to wear uniform on the placement and it is advised that students read the uniform policy prior to starting the placement.

If there are any issues, please contact the PEL.

What patient care situations are available in this placement?

Students will have exposure to home visits and also clinic contact.

There will also be opportunities to develop an understanding of the role of the duty health visitor.  Within patient home there may be exposure to animals, pets and other potential hazards.

Prior to home visits, students will be briefed on the lone worker policy and will not be expected to visit on their own.  If there are any potential health issues in relation to home visiting, please contact the placement PEL as soon as possible.

What nursing model is used for planning care?

The placement utilises the common assessment framework of child developmental needs, parenting capacity and family & environmental factors.  This model will facilitate opportunities for students to consider the determinants of health.

The placement also utilises a number of tools to promote public health work and the identification of family’s these include the graded care profile, Solihull approach, motivational interviewing and ASQ developmental questionnaires.

What core clinical skills can be learnt?

Over the six week placement students will have exposure to generic health visiting and the core offer.

This will facilitate consideration of and exposure to the high impact areas of health visiting and the public health agenda namely:
Transition to parenthood

Maternal Mental Health
Healthy Weight and Nutrition
Managing Minor Illness and Reducing Accidents
Development of 2 year Children
Resilience and Emotional Well Being of Young People
Reducing Risky Behaviours
Improving Life Styles
Maximising Learning and Achievement
Supporting Complex and Additional Needs
Seamless Transition and the Preparation for Adulthood
The above areas will provide a wealth of opportunities for students to develop an overview of the high impact areas but to also facilitate deeper learning in any key area for the student.

What resources are available to help students learning?

All students will have access to the Pennine Care intranet for policies, procedures and trust based resources.

Within the placement area, there is a designated student board and resource area consisting of relevant books and journals.  The biggest resource will come from observation and participating in home visits and clinic contacts.

There is a strong emphasis on reflective practice in the placement area.

What research and practice development activities are being undertaken?

As above within the team there are key work streams in relation to infant feeding and also nutrition.

Trust wide the health visiting service is utilising on line resources such as face book and relevant apps.

There is a continual cycle of review of such services and would provide specific opportunities to consider the impact of technology on public health information dissemination

Spoke Placements

Within the student placement book there is a list of all relevant spoke placements.

All of the spoke areas have been selected due to their public health remit and to enhance an a students learning in relation to community profiling, understanding the Child Health Profile and key performance indicators for Health Visiting.

Additional Information

Please note:-  if you have a child in the catchment area of this Health Visiting or School Nursing team you may not be able to attend due to a conflict of interests, please email Angela Mehr in the Clinical Placements Unit asap to clarify.