Placement Overview
Placement Title | Ward 84 – Bone Marrow Transplant Unit |
Trust | Manchester Foundation Trust |
Your Placement Contact | – Send Email |
Placement Contact’s Role | LEEL |
Placement Address | Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, 2nd Floor, Ward 83, Oxford Rd, Manchester, M13 9WL |
Placement City/Town: | Manchester |
Placement Phone | 0161 701 8456/0161 701 7900 |
Your University Contact: | Natalie Hill – Send Email |
About this placement
What is organised for students on commencement of placement?
Students will have been sent an email prior to the start of their placement with their first weeks off duty and mentors that they are allocated to throughout the placement. A welcome pack is given to them on their first day containing information about what we do on the unit, who they may come into contact with throughout their placement and discusses the medication used on the unit. They are also given information of areas that they can spoke to whilst working on the unit that may enhance their learning.
What are the arrangements for mentors/assessors?
12 months in Post all staff are offered credit bearing and non-credit bearing mentorship module places fully supported by the ward manager, student link nurse and Clinical Educator.
What shift patterns are students allocated for learning?
19.30 pm- 08.00am
Shift Notes:
Long Day: 07.30-20.00
We only do Long Days or Nights on the unit. Should you need to work short shifts due to health reasons, this can be negotiated.
What patient care situations are available in this placement?
Children undergoing Bone Marrow Transplant are nursed in isolation. They require intravenous drugs, nutritional support in form of PN and or nasal gastric feeds. Oral medicines, blood products support, strict fluid management and pain management.
What nursing model is used for planning care?
What nursing model is used for planning care?
Holistic family centred care
What core clinical skills can be learnt?
Obtaining patients observations – Temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, pulse and saturations are obtained four hourly on all patients.
Accurate fluid balances – patients are on multiple drips and hourly fluid balances checked, this impacts on patient care delivery
Full isolation process – All patients are in full isolation following transplant so student will learn the importance of effective hand hygiene and ppe.
Medication- We regularly give medication on the unit so students will be able to learn about the different ways medication can be given and how to correctly check medication.
Blood products- All patients on the BMTU need blood product support throughout their time on the unit, students will be looking after these patients with their mentors and will learn about administration and possible side effects.
What additional clinical skills can be learnt?
Student will be working with patients who have Hickman lines in situ or a Vascath so will develop the skills as how to approach and use them on a daily basis and what to observe when using them.
They will also be able to observe blood sampling on a daily basis and look at the ANTT process.
Students will be looking after patients who are assessed by the pain team as they are on IV morphine, students will learn to recognise the signs and systems of pain and actively use a number of pain tools to assess a patent’s pain and liaise with the pain team.
Students will also working alongside there mentors who will be administering chemotherapy to their patients, they will learn about the variety of chemotherapies used on the unit and some of the side effects to look out for.
What resources are available to help students learning?
The student education board is updated monthly on different aspects on Bone marrow transplantation.
Student information board which contains information about any upcoming training and contact details of support teams from each university and the student PEF.
Up to date children’s nursing magazines are also available on the unit.
There are a variety of other information tools available on the unit for each specific aspect of transplant.
Students are shown where the above are on their first day on the unit.
What research and practice development activities are being undertaken?
There are a number of new diagnoses that are being treated with transplants, from oncology, haematology to immunology and we are now the second hospital in the UK to undertake Gene cell therapy.
Spoke Placements
Bone Marrow transplant co-ordinator 18425
Ward 84 Inpatients
Ward 84 Outpatients
Additional Information
Patients and families are normally on the unit for 6 weeks sometimes even longer therefore we get to know the children and families very well and develop professional working relationships. The unit is quite specialised and some of the patients can become very unwell, if at any point throughout your placement you find this difficult please don’t hesitate to discuss this with your mentor or the student link nurse.
Please be aware that the placement is located between two units, the bone marrow transplant unit and the stem cell and gene therapy unit. All staff rotate between the two units, this is allocated on the day following handover which takes place in the multi-use room on the stem cell unit.
Practice Education Facilitator-aura Mallinson