Brierley Court

Placement Overview

Placement Title Brierley Court
Your Placement Contact Maxine Winder – Send Email
Placement Address 145 Church Lane, Moston, Manchester, M9 4LA
Placement City/Town: Manchester
Placement Phone 0161 205 2959
Your University Contact: Emma Street – Send Email

About this placement

What is organised for students on commencement of placement?

Allstudents will be allocated a mentor/associate mentor prior to the commencementin practice. The student will receive a welcome pack and will receive a fullorientation and induction during the first 48 hours.

Studentsare welcome to have a pre-visit to the service and partake in their inductionprior to commencement in practice and time will be given in lieu (optional). First day induction including Health & Safety Induction and Negotiation ofshifts.

Pleasecontact the placement no sooner than two weeks prior to commencement to arrangeyour shift pattern.

What are the arrangements for mentors/assessors?

AllMentors are updated on an annual basis as required by the NMC (2008)

In theevent of your allocated mentor being unavailable for annual leave or sicknessalternative arrangements will be made to support your practice.

We havequalified mentors and associate mentors to support students and the studentswill have an opportunity to work with a multi-disciplinary team.

What shift patterns are students allocated for learning?

Shift Notes:

Day Shift 8 am -8-30pm

Night Shift 8pm – 8-30am

Students are encouraged to work a mixture of shiftswhich incorporate some weekend exposure to experience 24 hour care.

Students are expected to work at least 40% of theirtime with their mentor

What patient care situations are available in this placement?

Brierley Court has a welcoming and supportive environmentwhere people develop day to day skills which will lead to a more fulfilling andindependent life.

Our aim is to provide a service which helps people moveaway from secure or locked hospital services towards more independent living inthe community. We believe the most effective way to achieve this is byinvolving service users in their treatment from the very first stages todevelop a programme of care which is centred on their individual needs.

When someone first comes to us, we work closely with them to develop a personalised care plan which works around their needs andaspirations. By understanding where people are are and where they want to getto, we set realistic and achievable goals and decide

What nursing model is used for planning care?

RecoveryModel (Geoff Shepard: Making Recovery a Reality)

StarrRecovery Model

What core clinical skills can be learnt?

Allapsects of Mental Health Care including:-

RecoveryFocused Work

PhysicalCare (limited)



Buildingup therapeutic relationships

Supportingclients in a hospital environmentDeveloping communication skills

Risk AssessmentInterpersonal Relationships

Engagement and disengagement skillsTeam working

Record keeping

What additional clinical skills can be learnt?

HandoversTeam Meetings

Delegation skillsManagement skillsWorking with outside agencies e.g. Police

Writingreports ie CPA’s

HospitalManagers Hearings (all under supervision)

WritingCare Plans

Completingrisk assessments

Learninghow to complete a Recovery Star

What resources are available to help students learning?

Studentswill have access to experienced nurses including a Clinical Nurse Specialist.

Theywill also have access to an experienced Occupational Therapist/ConsultantPsychiatrist who will provide guidance and learning.

Thestudents have access to the internet and intranet

Learning packs

All members of the team are an excellent resource to support you in yourlearning

E-learning programmes

Study days/in-house training

Spoke opportunities

What research and practice development activities are being undertaken?

Spoke Placements

A variety of spoke placements are available and can be discussed once students start in placement.

Additional Information

Elysium Healthcare (Brierley Court) require all students to attend Mandatory security and breakaway training prior to going into clinical areas.   Please contact your personal tutor in order to request permission for you to attend if you are in University on any of the dates of training. – Please be aware that this training will more than likely be at  Arbury Court, Warrington

You will also be required to complete a health questionnaire prior to the training and this will be issued to you by the Placement Education Lead.

If you are unable to attend any of the sessions for other reasons please contact PEF Liz Tudor as soon as possible on  0161 358 1659 or 07826875049or email

You will need to contact the Placement Education Lead at Elysium Healthcare (Maxine Winder – details above) to book yourself onto a session.

Please be aware that in order for students at Brierley Court to be set up on their computer system, personal information is sent to placement.

Studentsare not required to wear their Uniform but expected to dress smart casual andwear their ID badges at all times. Students are expected to maintain aprofessional image at all times in and outside clinical areas.

Anybody in inappropriate dress will be sent home immediately on arrival tochange.


Youmay be supported by practice staff studying for the preparation for mentorshipcourse, this is overseen by a qualified mentor and your documents will becountersigned by the mentor.


If youare pregnant, please contact the University Placements Unit as soon as possibleas you will not be accepted for a placement in this area.

Pre Visit

Studentsare welcome to arrange a visit prior to starting on placement to meet the staffand complete induction. Time will be given in lieu