Bolton Assessment Service (BAS)

Placement Overview

Placement Title Bolton Assessment Service (BAS)
Trust Greater Manchester Mental Health Trust
Your Placement Contact Lauren Rawlinson – Send Email
Placement Contact’s Role Mental health practitioner
Placement Address Royal Bolton Hospital, Rivington Unit, Minerva Road, Bolton, BL40JR
Placement City/Town: Bolton
Placement Phone 01204 483 301
Your University Contact: Emma Street – Send Email

About this placement

What is organised for students on commencement of placement?

It would be more appropriate for students to contact the service prior to placement commencing, this way students can be informed of their first week’s shifts and will be informed of who their allocated mentor will be.

Students will be orientated to the service location, they will be introduced to all team members. Students will also be shown other mental health services on site, such as home based treatment team and inpatient psychiatric wards. Students will have access to the operational policy to familiarise themselves with the role of Bolton Assessment Service. Students will be provided with ID badge to ensure they are able to enter and exit the building, students will also have access to the computer systems.

What are the arrangements for mentors/assessors?

There is one trained nurse mentor who is a learning disability nurse and social work trained.
Student’s will be allocated a mentor prior to commencing placement. It would be best for students to contact their mentor prior to starting the placement so that shifts can be discussed and any questions can be asked i.e uniform policy.

What shift patterns are students allocated for learning?

Shift Notes:

Early:  09:00- 17:00

Late:   13:00-21:00

Night:  not applicable

Days: Bolton Assessment Service operates from Monday to Sunday.


Bolton Assessment Service operates seven days a day. Staff do various shifts. Shifts will be discussed with allocated mentor and team leader.

What patient care situations are available in this placement?

Bolton Assessment Service receives referrals from primary care services, mainly GP’s.
Referrals received are for adults over the age of 18 who reside in the Bolton area.
Referrals are graded from emergency, urgent or routine.
We receive referral for any patient that is showing evidence of mental illness which may impact on their presentation.
We conduct holistic biopsychosocial assessments of patients and develop a safety plan and a pathway for patients. As part of the pathway this may include admission to hospital, home based treatment team, community mental health team, psychological interventions or discharge back to the care of the GP.
We complete risk assessment, consider safeguarding needs and liaise with relevant agencies.
Daily MDT’s allow any pathways or concerns to be discussed with the team as well as medication advice being sought from psychiatrist.

Bolton Assessment Service also manages the 136 suite during their working hours. During this time we observe the patient, ensure referrals are made to the approved mental health practitioner so a mental health act assessment can be completed, we complete physical observations, at times physical restraint or medication administration may be required.

What nursing model is used for planning care?

What core clinical skills can be learnt?

Assessment skills
Risk assessment
Cognitive assessment
Engaging with distressed patients
Communication skills
Medication administration, at times

What additional clinical skills can be learnt?

Students will develop an understanding of different mental health diagnoses, presentations, symptomology and ways of managing these. Students will also be able to develop their medication knowledge. Students will also develop knowledge of how primary and secondary care mental health services work together and how onward referrals are made. Students will also be able to develop understanding of a section 136 and the process included within this.

What resources are available to help students learning?

Student file available within the setting.
e-learn training available on the intranet
Classroom based training
Opportunity to learn via talking with members of the team including psychiatrists
Availability for spoke placements to allow students to learn about aspects they may be particularly interested in or feel they need further exposure too.
Daily multi-disciplinary meetings
The staff within Bolton Assessment Service have different qualifications and backgrounds which will also enable students to learn
Recovery team who provide learning opportunities

Spoke Placements

There are two acute psychiatric wards and a PICU ward where students could attend for spoke placements, this would enable students to also complete medication management
Home based treatment team is also available for students to complete spoke days.
Mental Health liaison service within the A&E department at Royal Bolton Hospital
Community mental health team
ECT and Clozapine clinic

Additional Information

PEF – Donna Ward


Parking for Mental Health Student placements only

If you require parking on Royal Bolton Hospital Site (Mental Health Students ONLY)

Please contact Miranda Mort Via email with the following information to arrange a parking permit for the duration of your placement