Bury Hospice

Placement Overview

Placement Title Bury Hospice
Your Placement Contact Nicola Savory, Melissa Carney, Sophie McDougall  – Send Email
Placement Contact’s Role Nicola (Manager), Melissa, Sophie (PELs)
Placement Address Rochdale Old Road, Bury, BL9 7RG
Placement City/Town: Bury
Placement Phone Bury Hospice: 0161 725 9800, Inpatient Unit: 0161 762 5712
Placement Web Site www.buryhospice.co.uk
Your University Contact: David Garbutt – Send Email

About this placement

What is organised for students on commencement of placement?

Welcomed by named supervisor on their first shift and introduced to the IPU team.

Given information pack and off duty allocations.

Discussion about our hospice philosophy and introduced to palliative care and some scenarios that students may encounter.

Meet with their supervisor off the unit to discuss their learning objectives and complete initial PARE documentation.

PLEASE NOTE: Learners must be double vaccinated before being allocated to Bury Hospice.

What are the arrangements for mentors/assessors?

Allocated time with students to review any learning objectives/needs and give feedback utilising a team approach.

What shift patterns are students allocated for learning?




2pm – 8.00pm


7.30pm – 8.00am

Shift Notes:

Long day: 07.30am-8.00pm


Night duty is acceptable if students need to complete their nightshift requirements but there are limited learning opportunities.

What patient care situations are available in this placement?

Palliative care including Symptom control for example:- pain, nausea/vomiting, breathlessness, secretions and anxiety/agitation.

End of life care; Caring for patients who are in their last days of life, ensuring that their care and comfort is maximised, whilst also offering ongoing support to their friends and relatives.

Palliative Care Emergencies.

What nursing model is used for planning care?

Roper, Logan & Tierney considering activities of daily living but including physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual which have an enormous impact on people at the end of life .

Holistic approach to care adopting individualised care plans.

What core clinical skills can be learnt?

Administration of regular and complex medications, personal hygiene cares, ongoing overall assessment of the patient, acting on any changes in a patient’s condition. Catheter care, wound care, oral care, pressure area care and maintaining excellent documentation including risk assessments.

Communication skills and dealing with difficult situations or issues around end of life care.

Bereavement care/support for patients and families.

What additional clinical skills can be learnt?

Ascitic drains


Tracheostomy Care


Performing Last Offices

Commencing and monitoring syringe drivers

Leadership and Management

Symptom Control

Multi-Disciplinary Team Working

What resources are available to help students learning?

MDT Members

Allocated Assessor/Supervisors

Internet Access

Shadowing Motivated Staff

Student Evaluation Forms

Monthly Teaching Sessions (In House by Hospice Doctor)

Resource Packs/File

Reflections on Practice

Suggested Learning Objectives

Attending Relevant Spokes

Study Sessions

Journals/Palliative Care Resources

What research and practice development activities are being undertaken?

Students able to undertake own projects relevant to their learning.

Hospice doesn’t have any current research at present.

Spoke Placements

Outreach Service

Day Hospice

Specialist Palliative Care Nurses (Community Based)

Macmillan Nurses (Hospital Based)

Community Physiotherapy

Palliative Care Occupational Therapist Community

Weekly MDT

Chaplaincy and Spiritual Support

Family Bereavement Support Counsellor

Bury Cancer Care Centre

Cancer Nurse Specialist’s e.g Lung CNS

Hospice Fundraising Department

Nurse Manager

Additional Information

Students are welcome to come/leave in their uniform and will need to wash these themselves.

We welcome students to visit the hospice prior to their placement to discuss any fears and be shown around before their first day.