Placement Overview
Placement Title | Bury Children’s Community Nursing Team – BUPCTP 20 |
Trust | |
Your Placement Contact | Mark Smith, Tracy Whalley, Claire Whalley – Send Email |
Placement Contact’s Role | Mark (Manager), Tracy, Claire (PELs) |
Placement Address | Radcliffe Primary Care Centre, 3rd Floor, 69 Church Street Wes, Radcliffe, M26 2SP |
Placement City/Town: | Bury |
Placement Phone | 0161 778 3326 |
Your University Contact: | Angela Lee – Send Email |
About this placement
What is organised for students on commencement of placement?
Off duty
Students receive orientation pack either via email or on their first day of placement
Introduced to mentor within first week of placement
Orientation to placement area
Allocated to attend home visits and clinics with nursing staff
Students who are on placements for longer than 8 weeks are commenced on Paris training.
Intranet and Internet access
What are the arrangements for mentors/assessors?
Yearly mentor updates
Triennial review
What shift patterns are students allocated for learning?
08:00 – 16:00
12:00 – 20:00
Not applicable
Shift Notes:
Long days: 08:00am – 20:00pm
Notes: Students have the option of working long days or a combination of long and short shifts over four days.
What patient care situations are available in this placement?
Management of acute conditions eg bronchiolitis or gastroenteritis
Management of chronic conditions eg asthma, eczema or constipation
Home visits and clinics
Care of the child with complex health needs
Palliative care
Intravenous therapy
Subcutaneous injections
Wound care and burns management
Enteral feeding support
Education (patient and families, nurseries, schools and carers)
Diabetes Nurse Specialist
Family support
Ward / GP liaison
Safeguarding – Team around the child meetings
What nursing model is used for planning care?
Based on Roper, Logan and Tierney
What core clinical skills can be learnt?
Planning, assessing, implementing and evaluating care for children
Referral, admission and discharge procedures
Clinical observations – temperature, pulse, respiratory rate, blood pressure and oxygen saturation monitoring
Wound care and removal of sutures / staples
Hydration assessments and fluid balance; calculating feeds and fluid requirements
Acute respiratory assessments
Drug calculations and drug administration procedures
Inhaler technique
Health promotion
Multi-disciplinary team meetings
Team Around the Child (TAC) meetings
What additional clinical skills can be learnt?
Emollient therapy
Gastrostomy and nasogastric tube care
Tracheostomy care
Midazolam training
Epipen training
Observation of Intravenous therapy
Care of the child requiring home oxygen therapy
Stoma care
What resources are available to help students learning?
Intranet access – access to trust policies and procedures
Formal and informal teaching sessions
Nursing journals
What research and practice development activities are being undertaken?
GP liaison / navigator role
Staff undertaking Non-Medical Prescribing
Staff undertaking the Community Specialist Practitioner course
IV working party – developing in house training.
Spoke Placements
Millwood Primary School
Elms Bank Specialist Arts College
Health Visitors
School Nurses
Diabetes Nurse Specialist
Healthy Young Minds
Walk in centres
Accident and Emergency / Observations and Assessment Unit / Childrens Ward at North Manchester General Hospital
Children’s Outpatient Department at Fairfield General Hospital
Immunisation Team
Tissue Viability Nurse Specialist
District Nurses
Paediatric Continence Nurse Specialist
Additional Information