If you have a software problem that needs a fresh perspective, then Salford HackCamp could help you.

Led by Professor Julian Bass, Senior Lecturer in Software Engineering, HackCamp is a module that allows undergraduate computing students the opportunity to work together to build a significant software system while engaging with an industry partner.

Students will work in groups to tackle the challenge set by industry partners, producing working software and a technical report, which is then assessed by an academic team.

This is a fantastic opportunity for our students. They will learn about working in self-organising teams and work together to offer solutions to real-world problems.  

As an industry partner, you will be able to select the students who work with you and observe their work. Our students can offer fresh perspectives and will learn and gather experience from you and your business.  

You will have direct access to recruiting fresh and upcoming talent in the software sector as well as influencing the educational content of the programme.

Amr Hamed, from Scottish Power, took part in HackCamp whilst a student at the University of Salford and will return now as an industry partner. He said: “As a student, I remember how it perfectly mimicked real-world software development environments. I worked full-time with a team of developers to produce software that was 1) graded by the university, 2) judged by real companies, and 3) delivered within a tight time frame.”

Amr Hamed, Scottish Power

“At ScottishPower, we believe that engaging with students is a key enabler for attracting young and bright minds to our business in the years to come. The HackCamp gives us a chance to meet young and creative minds.” “We aim to inspire them to join our mission of tackling climate change and becoming part of a zero-carbon future, enabled by digital technology and innovation.”

Amr looks forward to HackCamp returning face to face this year to help students enjoy the benefits including; understanding teamwork within the software world, working with major partner organisations and networking opportunities.

If you would like to get involved we would love to hear from you. Please get in touch at alumni@salford.ac.uk.

HackCamp will kick off in January 2023.