Westhoughton 0-19/25 Team

Placement Overview

Placement Title Westhoughton 0-19/25 Team
Your Placement Contact Joanne Edge, Benjamin Bolton – Send Email
Placement Contact’s Role
Placement Address Winnifred Kettle House, Washacre, Westhoughton, BL5 2NG
Placement City/Town: Bolton
Placement Phone 01204 335138
Your University Contact: Lesley Greenhalgh – Send Email

About this placement

What is organised for students on commencement of placement?

The allocation of a mentor and associate mentor is allocated prior to the student nurse starting placement.

Student nurse orientation to the workplace is carried out on the first day and spoke placements are discussed.

Learning styles and needs are discussed on the first day of placement and a thorough introduction to the team is given.

Also please find a a link to the welcome pack.

What are the arrangements for mentors/assessors?

All mentors keep up to date with their mentorship updates. Mentors are supported sign off mentors in the team and team leaders.

What shift patterns are students allocated for learning?




Shift Notes:

Health visiting service operating hours are from 9 am to 5pm

What patient care situations are available in this placement?

The health visiting service is a 0-5 year service.

Patient care situations are the universal offer:  antenatal contacts, new birth visits, 6 – 8 week contacts , assessing development at 2 months, 9 months, 2 years and prior to school transfer.

Universal plus contacts could be a range of patient care contacts such as supporting maternal mental health, Giving feeding advice on colic and reflux management, families at risk of poorer outcomes and vulnerable families.

Universal partnership plus: supporting children and families who are at risk, supporting children and fmailies with delayed development within a multi- disciplinary team approach.

Health visitors at Westhoughton run two well baby clinics a week were parents attend to weigh their babies and ask any health related advice.

What nursing model is used for planning care?

Framework for Action

Cycle of change

What core clinical skills can be learnt?

Planning, assessing, implementing and evaluating care

Communication skills tailoring to individual need

Respectful communication

Active Listening

What additional clinical skills can be learnt?

Recognising illness

Feeding issues

Assessing parental mental health

Promoting health and well being

Tackling health inequalities

What resources are available to help students learning?

Trust intranet

Regular chimat updates

Spoke placement

Student Nurse training sessions

Utilising knowledge within the teams

What research and practice development activities are being undertaken?

Service development in accordance with Greater Manchester and department of health requirements

Spoke Placements

Food and health team

Social workers referral and assessment




Immunisation team

School Nurses



Nursery placements

Additional Information

Uniform casual smart clothes unless on a clinical spoke placement then full uniform needs to be worn.

Preplacement Reading




Health Profile of placement area

Health visiting practice is underpinned by The Healthy Child Programme (2009). There are five core visits that are commissioned within health visiting practice. These visits are what are known as universal contacts where public health issues are identified and screened. Health promotion advice is given on a range of topics: Breastfeeding, safe sleep, safety in the home, responsive parenting, brain development, Smoking, Healthy eating, Contraception, Dental hygiene, Substance Misuse and Immunisations.

Health visitors carry out a range of different interventions to improve the physical and emotional well being of our service users such as the Newborn Observation, Newborn behavioural Assessment and Age and Stages. Development of the under fives are assessed during the core health visiting programme and can be assessed regularly if the families are universal plus.

Universal Plus or partnership plus involves working with targeted families with additional needs such as substance misuse, mental health issues, behaviour, weaning problems, sleep problems, developmental delay.

Health visitors work in partnership with service users and other professionals to enhance the health and wellbeing of the child and family. The different professionals that health visitors work with are social workers, family workers, midwifes, speech and language therapists, paediatricians and dieticians.