Students to staff: Meet Georgiana Ghetiu

Here at the University of Salford we meet many students who love us SO MUCH that they end up working here after they’ve graduated. This series is dedicated to those in-particular, their experience, their do’s and don’ts and their practice. First up, Georgiana!

Hi Georgiana! What did you study at Salford?

I studied BA (Hons) Media and Performance and I graduated  in 2017.

What is the most valuable experience you gained?

The most valuable experience I gained as a student is to believe in your skills and strengths. I was supported and encouraged every step of the way, which in turn made me believe in myself, interact efficiently and confidently and understand how to be a good team player.

What facilities do Salford have that helped you excel in your learning?

For me, the most important resources were the technical team, tutors and the varied filming equipment we had access to. The technical team offered me the practical knowledge and encouragement I needed, the tutors shared their experiences and guidance which put opportunities in perspective, and the access to top of the range equipment allowed me to develop my knowledge and my portfolio.

Are you still in contact with friends from uni?

I met my best friend on the course, and while I haven’t really seen or spoken to many other friends from uni, I know that whenever our paths will cross it will be great to see each other and remember our uni days.

What did you learn about yourself?

I learnt so much about myself, but most of all I learnt that having the confidence that you are capable is what really makes you able to do what you set out to do. We all doubt ourselves and we all have immense potential – believe in yourself, work hard, and you will surprise yourself.

Did you feel like there was enough support at Salford?

I was always supported in whatever I needed, and in a way I was offered support when I wasn’t even aware I needed it. Amongst everyone’s busy schedules, everyone at Salford was there for all of us to help us, guide us, and give us a good word that made everything better when we felt down. 

What did you think of the campus in general?

The campus was great and I always felt welcome, even in first year when I was not only new to the university, but new to the country. I always found something to do, someone to talk to, and felt very safe.

What do you miss most about being a student?

I miss not having so many responsibilities, but above all I miss having the resources and opportunity to make films with my friends and have so much fun while developing as a film maker. I won’t ever be faced with that freedom again, and I’ll always cherish the memory. 

Were you involved in any societies at Salford? If so, what were they?

I was a part of the film makers society and the badminton society. I personally wasn’t very involved, but the students who ran those societies were so dedicated to everyone having a good time!

How would you describe the community atmosphere?

I was working a lot at the time, so I feel like I missed out on some opportunities to get to know more people and get involved in more varied activities. I am looking back on that time with some nostalgia, because it was so incredibly easy to make friends and have something in common with anyone you bumped into. Everyone has always been incredibly friendly, and it was so easy to know people from a huge variety of courses, which I think is really important. It’s important to get to learn your subject, but it’s equally important to learn about other people’s experiences and form a community. 

How did you become a member of staff and how has that helped build skills for your chosen career?

I had a huge respect for the media technical demonstrators at New Adelphi, as they’d always been so helpful and supportive and supplemented the course in a way that full formed me as a film-maker and set me on my path. So when a vacancy on the team opened soon after I graduated, I applied for it and was unbelievably amazed and excited to be offered the position. From there on more opportunities arose, and I am now on the production academic team as well.  Both these opportunities help me every day to become more creative, up to date with the latest equipment, and stay in touch with fantastic professionals I get to call colleagues. And last but not least, students are my teachers now – they challenge me and show me so many creative paths I would never think of – they are the ultimate incentive to better myself and be the mentor they need.

Tell us more about your work – what do you focus on?

I am a freelance cinematographer and director. Most of my work is in the music industry, where I film live music and music videos. Across the years I’ve taken on a variety of projects, from fashion films and content for theatre shows to interviews and promotional material all across the arts and educational sector. Currently, I am collaborating with HOME on their promotional material for the MCR Open 2021 exhibition. 

If you could give one piece of advice in one sentence, what would you say?

Take every opportunity that you are presented with and trust that you are the best person for the job! 

Would you do uni all over again?

Absolutely! So much so that I am truly considering it! 

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