Go Green Salford 2019

From Monday 11th February – Friday 8th March a whole range of activities and events are planned for Go Green Salford.

  • Week one: Live Green
  • Week two: Work Green
  • Week three: Think Green
  • Week four: Eat Green

Working in collaboration with the Students’ Union, DSAS Events and Peel Park Rangers we will be running a series of activities to raise awareness of sustainability issues and provide opportunities for you to get involved and take action. Activities are open to all staff and students at the University and you can find all the details below.

Monday 11th February

Wildlife Conference

To kick start Go Green Salford, the Wildlife Society will be hosting an evening of wildlife. The conference will include guest speakers including Dr Paul Rees (senior lecture in wildlife), Brian Ashworth (Lancashire Wildlife Trust), Jess Britch (Salford Rangers), Harry Handford and Thomas Gascoine (Blackpool Zoo).

Along with free tea/coffee and biscuits, we are raising money by selling vegan cupcakes and there will also be donation buckets.

Location: Chapman 2

Time: 6.30pm – 10pm

Price: £2.50 for society members | £5.00 for general public

Wednesday 13th February

Green House Green Home: registration required

Paying too much for your energy bills? Nervous about your energy costs next year?

Whether you’re currently living in rented accommodation or moving into rented accommodation next year, this training is for you! The training covers practical advice on ways to minimise your energy bills and the rights you have as a tenant. It will be a fun, interactive session with the opportunity to meet new people and share experiences and ideas.

Location: Lewis Latimer Room, University House

Time: 1-hour sessions at 12pm, 1:30pm, 3pm and 4:30pm

Register your FREE place online now on Advantage: bit.ly/2Rxk7cp

Housing Fair

Looking for accomodation for 2019/2020? The SU’s first housing fair will include accomodation and housing agencies from accross Salford to advertise their accomodation.

You can find out more at https://www.salfordstudents.com/articles/housing-fair-be6d

Location: North Side, University House

Time: 12pm – 4pm

Thursday 14th February

Dr Bike Services

TfGM are offering a FREE bike maintenance check to University of Salford students and staff. Each booking will be allocated a 15 minute session, however, spaces are limited so contact Neva to book in advance!

Location: University house

Time: 1pm – 3pm

Book your space by emailing N.Mowl@salford.ac.uk

Friday 15th February

We Strike for Climate change

Millions of young people are waking up to the fact that we have to act now to avert the worst effects of climate breakdown, from the school strikers in Australia to Greta Thunberg, they are joining their voices in protest. We will be joining up with other strikers of all ages around the UK on the 15th February in Manchester. We will stand in solidarity with young people around the world asking for climate justice. 

Location: St Peters Square

Time: 12pm

Feel Good Friday

Every friday we will be out and about on campus, talking to staff and students and snapping pictures of you with your sustainable pledges for our Twitter campaign. Come and tell us your sustainable New Year’s Resolution or send us a Tweet and a lucky winner will be chosen from our Twitter uploads, winning a chocolate treat or a reusable mug. Last year we had some great pledges from both students and staff including cycling more often, reducing plastic use and eating more organic food.

Sunday 17th February

Uni-Cycle Shop

The Pop-up Shop will be on main campus everyday for 2 weeks.

Uni-Cycle is a social enterprise, non-profit organisation. Set up in 2014 and since then has reclaimed over 30 tonnes of reusable waste from both University of Manchester and University of Salford therefore diverting this all from landfill. Although the items collected are someone’s waste, there is nothing wrong with them and they are perfectly suitable for reuse. The reclaimed waste are high quality items ranging from brand new shoes and clothes, unused saucepans to larger electrical items including printers and hair straighteners. They have also donated over 0.5 tonnes of quality goods to British Heart Foundation and The Salvation Army to sell in their shops. Any items in the shop are sold to new and returning students at low and reasonable prices.

For more information, you can find Uni-Cycle on:
Facebook: unicyclemcr
Twitter: @uni_cycl
Instagram: unicyclemcr

Monday 18th February

Pop-up Guilt Free Groceries shop

Visit the Zero Waste Shop and buy your groceries completely package free.

Location: Atmosphere Cafe, University House.

Time: 10am – 4pm

SDG Teach in

The Teach in calls upon educators across all stages of education to pledge to include the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within their teaching, learning, and assessment of their course(s)/ in their classrooms during the week of the 18-22 February 2019.

SDGs comprise of 17 goals including ‘No Poverty’, ‘Gender Equality’ and ‘Climate Action’. You can view all the goals online at https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/sdgs

Pledge to include the Sustainable Development Goals in your teaching via https://sustainability.nus.org.uk/sdgteachin/pledge

Travel Survey

Come and speak to the Environmental Sustainability Team about how you travel to the University and complete our survey to be in with a chance to win a £100 shopping voucher. Alternatively, fill in the survey below:

Staff: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/UniSalfordStaff
Students: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/UniSalfordStudent

Location: University House Foyer

Energy House Tour

A unique opportunity for a behind the scenes tour around Energy House – the only fully climate controlled research facility in the world. Built in 2011, this full sized two bedroom terraced house is built inside an environmental chamber and can replicate almost any weather conditions. It is fully furnished and packed with a vast array of sensors that can monitor a wide range of variables throughout the house and chamber. Max 12 people – first come first served.

Location: meet outside Cockcroft

Time: 12pm

Tuesday 19th February

Big DSAS Tidy Up

Come along and help improve your community and the environment by helping us to tidy up Peel Park and the University. Litter pickers, gloves and bin bags will be provided.

Location: Meet outside Maxwell Building

Time: 12pm

Wednesday 20th February

DSAS Walks

Part of the regular DSAS walking groups, this event is aimed at staff and students to have a leisurely walk around peel park and surrounding area.

Location: Meet outside University House for 12pm and Maxwell at 1pm.

Hedge Laying Training

Come and learn the skills you need to lay a hedge on this training day. This training is free, to encourage people to join in with volunteering on the park. Refreshments included but please bring a packed lunch.

Location: Peel Park Base at the rear of Maxwell Building down the ramp.

Time: 9:30am – 3pm

Book: Due to limited spaces it essential that you book via https://www.peelparksalford.info/events/taster-task-day-hedge-laying-training/

Energy House Tour

A unique opportunity for a behind the scenes tour around Energy House – the only fully climate controlled research facility in the world. Built in 2011, this full sized two bedroom terraced house is built inside an environmental chamber and can replicate almost any weather conditions. It is fully furnished and packed with a vast array of sensors that can monitor a wide range of variables throughout the house and chamber. Max 12 people – first come first served.

Location: Meet outside Cockcroft

Time: 12pm

Thursday 21st February

Recycling Roadshow – Maxwell

Find us at Maxwell reception for the first leg of our Recycling Roadshow where we will be testing your knowledge on recycling with prizes to be won!

Location: Maxwell reception

Time: 10am – 4pm

Greenpower Society

This Society is taking part in the Greenpower Electric Car Challenge! The Greenpower team design and build single-seat electric cars to race in events across the UK! Come down and find out more!

Location: Front of University House

Time: TBC

Friday 22nd February

AAVT Vehicle demostration 

The AAVT ‘Automotive and Autonomous Vehicle Technology’ car with Staff  will to be outside the Student Union. Showing off the latest ICZ technology.

Location: Front of University House

Time: TBC

Monday 25th February

Recycling Roadshow – Media City

For our second stop, we will be quizzing the students of Media City on their recycling knowledge!

Location: Media City reception

Time: 10am – 4pm

Film @ 5: Blue Planet 2

David Attenborough returns to the world’s oceans in this sequel to the acclaimed documentary filming rare and unusual creatures of the deep, as well as documenting the problems our oceans face. Two Episodes will be shown: One Ocean and Our Blue Planet.

Location: North Side, University House

Time: 5pm

Atmosphere Quiz – Go Green edition

Test your knowledge at this fun interactive quiz!! Take part using your smart phone or tablet with our fantastic speedquizzing software and be in with a chance to win a bar voucher worth up to £20!! It’s Go Green Month so expect some themed questions! Special offers on the night include buy one get one free on all Burgers! Entry is free so why not join us!

Location: Atmosphere bar

Time: 8pm

Tuesday 26th February

Green Campus Group

We have established a Green Campus Group to share information and engage with the University community about the current and future/potential use of outside spaces at the University of Salford, as well as how they will and could be developed and enhanced.

Location: Rosa Parks room, University House

Time: 2:30pm – 3:30pm

Register for free at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/green-campus-group-tickets-55404116203

Film @ 5: The Inconvenient Truth

Filmmaker Davis Guggenheim follows Al Gore on the lecture circuit, as the former presidential candidate campaigns to raise public awareness of the dangers of global warming and calls for immediate action to curb its destructive effects on the environment.

Location: North side, University House

Time: 5pm

Wednesday 27th February

Peel Park Health Walk

‘Break Out’ get away from your desk, get moving and enjoy some time out of the office or lecture theatre. Have a walk and talk, meet new people, get some fresh air and enjoy some greenspace. No need to book on, just turn up! Please wear suitable clothing for the weather and flat grippy shoes or trainers. Bring a bottle of water.

Location: Meet outside the Park Keepers base behind Maxwell

Time: 12:30pm – 1pm

Film @ 5: Planet Earth 2: Islands and Cities

David Attenborough returns in this breathtaking documentary showcasing life on Planet Earth.

Location: North Side, University House

Time: 5pm

Thursday 28th February

Bike Maintenance

TfGM have arranged a maintenance training session with an expert instructor. Bring your bike along and learn how to conduct safety checks and maintenance for free! Limited spaces therefore booking is essential.

Location: University House

Time: 10am – 12pm

Book: Contact Neva on N.Mowl@salford.ac.uk

FrED Talks/Brutally Honest Conversations

‘What is the impact universities have and what can they do about it?’

Join us for four 10min FRED Talks ‘Friendly Earth Discussions’ followed by an open ‘Brutally Honest Conversation’ about current Campus and Environmental Issues. Guest representatives will include senior Univeristy staff, Academic staff, student groups, UoM Representative, MMU Representative and student officers.

Questions for the Brutally Honest Conversation can be submitted to Evie Adams via: ussu-vpst@salford.ac.uk

Location: North Side, University House

Time: 5:30pm – 8pm

Monday 4th March

Salfood Sustainability Commitment

Meat Free Mondays

Cutting out meat for just one day a week is a great way to improve both your health and the planets health! Find out more about the Meat Free campaign at https://www.meatfreemondays.com/

Recycling Roadshow – Allerton

For the final leg of the tour we will be stopping off at Allerton where we will be testing your knowledge on recycling with prizes to be won!

Location: Allerton

Time: 10am – 4pm

Tuesday 5th March

Eat Green Cakes

As part of Eat Green week, up until Thursday 7th March Salfood are offering ‘Plant Powered Treats’

Fairtrade Fun

Fairtrade changes the way trade works through better prices for the consumers, decent working conditions and most importantly a fairer deal for farmers and workers in developing countries. Treat yourself and cycle up a delicious free smoothie using Fairtrade bananas.  Make your own banana smoothie using only the power of a bike!

Location: Clifford Whitworth

Time: 10am – 4pm

Wednesday 6th March

Peel Park Health Walk

‘Break Out’ get away from your desk, get moving and enjoy some time out of the office or lecture theatre. Have a walk and talk, meet new people, get some fresh air and enjoy some greenspace. No need to book on, just turn up! Please wear suitable clothing for the weather and flat grippy shoes or trainers. Bring a bottle of water.

Location: Meet outside the Park Keepers base behind Maxwell

Time: 12:30pm – 1pm

Thursday 7th March

Veggie Thursday

As part of National Veggie Month! Come down to Atmosphere for 50% off all of our veggie options!

Fairtrade Fun

Fairtrade changes the way trade works through better prices for the consumers, decent working conditions and most importantly a fairer deal for farmers and workers in developing countries. Treat yourself and cycle up a delicious free smoothie using Fairtrade bananas.  Make your own banana smoothie using only the power of a bike!

Location: Maxwell

Time: 10am- 4pm

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