Green Flag Awards 2022

The University of Salford campus has once again been recognised by the prestigious Green Flag Award Scheme as one of the best green spaces in the world.

Green Flag Award is the international quality mark for parks and green spaces. Following a desk assessment and a visit at our campus, we can once again raise the Green Flag. We first achieved the Green Flag Award in 2019 and we’ve maintained it every year since.

The Green Flag Award is managed by a leading environmental charity, Keep Britain Tidy, under licence from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. It recognises and rewards well-managed parks and green spaces, setting the benchmark standard for the management of green spaces across the United Kingdom and around the world.

We could not have done it without our brilliant Grounds Maintenance Team, and you – student and stuff volunteers who have helped us keep our green spaces growing and free of litter. Thank you!

A full list of this year’s Green Flag Award winners is available here.

Green Campus Group

We have established a Green Campus Group, which is open to staff, students and the local community. The purpose of the group is to share information and engage with the University community about the current and potential use of outside spaces on campus, including how they will and could be developed and enhanced. You can find out more in the Terms of Reference, and join our Teams group

For more information on the Green Campus Group and the Green Flag Award, get in touch with Marta at

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