About Us
At University of Salford we recognise the climate and biological crises and that climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing our society across the globe. As a higher education provider we have a major role to play in enabling our students and staff to respond positively to global challenges through their study, work and life. We want to be a sustainable university and make sure it is a central part of our story.
Our vision is by embedding sustainability in all aspects of University life, we will enable our University community to create impactful positive change for society and environment.
The Sustainability Team at the University of Salford leads the development and implementation of the University Sustainability Strategy and is made up of the Sustainability Office and the Environmental Sustainability Team.
Sustainability Office
The Sustainability Office has responsibility for the holistic sustainability strategy and works with teams across the whole University to enable and embed sustainability. The Sustainability Office is a centralised team and reports to the Strategic Portfolio Board and the University Sustainability Board. It is championed by the Chief Infrastructure Officer, the University Leadership Team Lead for Sustainability.
Environmental Sustainability Team
The Environmental Sustainability Team based in Estates and Facilities have responsibility for delivering the Sustainability Strategy across our campus operations, as well as maintaining our Environmental and Energy Management System certification to International Standards ISO14001 and ISO50001.
We have various policies, plans, procedures and projects that you can find out more about on our website.