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About Us

We recognise the global climate crisis and that climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing our society across the globe. As a higher education provider we have a major role to play in enabling our students and staff to respond positively to global challenges.

As one of the largest organisations in the Greater Manchester region with over 18,500 students and 2,500 staff across 27 buildings and around 70 hectares, we have a significant impact on the environment locally, nationally and internationally.

Our vision is by embedding sustainability in all aspects of University life, we will enable our University community to create impctuful positive change for society and environment.

The Environmental Sustainability Team leads on the Environmental and Energy Management System (EEMS) which is certified to both ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 50001:2018 standards and covers all of our physical estates and operations.

We have various policies, plans, procedures and projects that you can find out more about on our website.