Getting a UoS blog…

Blogging is one of the most effective ways to publicise the work you do. A blog helps your school or research centre’s ‘Google’ rankings and is likely to attract visitors to your ‘regular’ web site. Regular posting and attention will help you engage with your audience informally and personally. A blog will complement your web site, not replace it.

A typical blog entry, or ‘post’, might consist of a detailed description of a specific area of your work, a series of brief entries or a thought piece displaying expertise in your field. Posts can incorporate text, images, video and soundbites. Entries can be published by the blog ‘owner’ or by a registered contributor.

You should commit to posting regularly – your blog should have a new post every fortnight at least – and ensure content is unique. A successful blog can provide a level of insight into an organisation, and achieve engagement, that would not normally be achieved via a normal web site.

For schools, research centres and research projects…for now

We have launched the University of Salford blogging platform to help you get a blog with the minimum of fuss. We are currently accepting requests from schools, research centres and research projects. We’ll be starting slowly but will ramp up the speed at which new blogs can be created in the first few months.

How to get a blog

Contact the Digital Team at We will contact you to discuss your request.

All blog users agree to follow our terms and conditions of use.

Who does what?

The Digital Team will:

  • Discuss the name, purpose, layout and configuration of your blog
  • Set up your blog
  • Provide advice as required.

ITS will:

  • Support the infrastructure for the blogging platform

You will:

  • Create and publish content regularly
  • Manage contributions and user accounts for additional contributions
  • Manage and respond to comments (as appropriate)
  • With some initial assistance, manage and maintain the blog using the WordPress admin screens
  • Promote your blog – we encourage you to use a variety of social media channels to promote.