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Sustainable Campus

Meet the S.U.R.G.E team!

Guest article by M. Spahiev (Green Impact Project Assistant for S.U.R.G.E) Green Impact is a scheme which encourage staff and students to reduce their environmental impact. Although the program is in its fifth year nationwide, this is the first year it will run at The University of Salford. My first day as a Green Impact […]

Achieving Bronze: Green Impact workshop tips for those who missed out!

We’re almost at the end of Go for Gold Week, and today’s workshop ‘How to Achieve Green Impact Bronze’ by Sophia Perkins of the NUS deal with a number of Green Impact’s aims: bringing people together, discussing challenges and finding solutions. For those unable to attend, here’s a summary of the contents: Working the workbook: […]

Greening your Impact this Christmas (and an update!)

Green Impact is in full swing, and we’re nearly at the *final deadline* for teams to sign up (18th December), so to be in for a chance of winning an award for your office (and making it cosier as well as more sustainable), get in touch ASAP ( We have a team of trained-up student […]

University achieves a First in green league table

The University of Salford has shot up the annual People and Planet Green League Table of universities thanks to a series of initiatives which have seen students and colleagues pitch in to reduce their environmental impact. Salford moved from 51st up to 17th place in the league table which independently catalogues factors such as water […]

New Secure Cycle Facilities Installed

Two 40-space secure cycle facilities have been installed at Cockcroft and Clifford Whitworth buildings. The facilities are the latest part of the University’s Travel Plan strategy, which is aimed at encouraging and facilitating sustainable travel. Andy Binder, Travel & Transport Officer, Environment & Sustainability, said: “Access control on the shelters is now in place. Anybody […]

New cycle storage facility at Maxwell

A new 48-space cycle storage facility has recently been installed in Maxwell Well to provide additional cycle storage for the Maxwell Building. The facility, which can be used by employees and students, provides covered cycle parking with easy access to Maxwell Building and Hall and the Gilbert Rooms.  It is located near to male and […]

Edible University

We are excited to be launching our latest project, Edible University! After receiving £1,000 from the University’s annual fund (thank you alumni, friends and staff of the University) we are setting up our very own food growing scheme, free and open to all students and staff members. We are currently experimenting with growing vegetables and […]

Student Masterchef

Up and Coming Events

I hope that you have had a good summer and enjoying the start of term. Have a look below at some of the exciting stuff we have going on this semester.   17th Octoberis our annual Wallness Lane clean up. We spend a couple of hours clearing along Wallness Lane by the Leisure Centre which […]

Explore your travel options for 2012/13

As the start of the new academic year draws nearer, many colleagues and students will be interested in planning how they are going to travel to the University over the next 12 months. To assist colleagues in planning their travel to the University, special information pages have been created for both staff and students to […]

New Life for Old Pants

The Environment and Sustainability Team’s textile recycling campaign, ‘New Life for Old Pants’, has been shortlisted in this year’s prestigious Green Gown Awards, which “recognise the exceptional sustainability initiatives being undertaken by universities and colleges across the UK.” The Awards, which are now in their eighth year, have become established as the most prestigious recognition […]