Your first week spent at university won’t be exactly like an episode of Channel 4’s Fresh Meat, but some of the stuff the group of on-screen freshers got up to is pretty spot on. Whether you see yourself as a wild child like feisty Vod or more reserved like quiet Kingsley, you’re probably going to come across a variety of personalities and find yourself in some new situations…

1. You’ll quickly fall into new routines.

2. Hanging out with new people might feel strange at first…

3. …But you soon get used to it. Then the hangovers start.

4. You’ll meet loads of different people…

5. …And quickly decide which are your favourites.

6. You might even drunkenly confess your love for someone that you’ve just met.

7. Then you’ll do it all again the following evening.

8. You might find yourself in some completely unexplainable situations.

9. You’ll also make some friends for life.

10. It’s important to remember to make the most of everything before the hard work starts. JP knows.

AND… Some spots on campus may also look slightly familiar. The University of Salford’s library and a range of exterior parts of the campus feature in Fresh Meat. Cool, right?
