Our ‘Student Stories’ are personal pieces written by students about their journey to Salford and the experiences they had studying here. At the University of Salford we take pride in our School of Health and Society – a forward-thinking, dynamic school with a vast range of opportunities for our students. Our BSc (Hons) Social Policy course is one of the many rewarding undergraduate courses under the School of Health and Society and offers community placements to students to help them kickstart a viable career in public services such as social care. Artiana Blaize graduated from the BSc Social Policy course in 2018 and is sharing her Salford story with us today.

I’m a born and raised British Virgin Islander where the weather doesn’t drop lower than 25°. Moving 4,072 miles away from home was not the easiest transition. Coming to Manchester was a big step for me and part of a journey to discovering who I am and where I want to be in the next decade.

Even though I was offered several places at different universities, I choose the BSc Social Policy at the University of Salford because of great recommendations from my peers. I was also really impressed with the way staff on the programme were happy to talk me through my options and reassure me about life as an undergraduate in Manchester and Salford. This built a solid foundation for my new-found, cross-continent relationship. I chose Social Policy personally because I was becoming more and more interested in what happened behind the scenes of policy making and its impact on many diverse groups.
Reflecting back, I can see my own personal progression across the three years of my undergraduate degree. I was always a quiet one- quietly in quietly out. However, the lecturers always engage with the students, get them involved (which often evolved into great debates)! One thing I will forever advise other students is to never be afraid to communicate with your lecturer if you want clarification or just a chat on a question or lecture or topic area. They are always there. Literally.

I graduated in 2018 with a First Class Honours and have continued at Salford with a master’s degree in Human Resources Management and Development. This course has helped me become more open to the world – from talking to and learning from others, to really building my confidence that I can do anything once I apply myself and do the work. – willpower!
I hope to use my knowledge from Social Policy degree to help improve organisational management processes and governance within the Public Sector and to ensure we develop and adopt policies to meet the needs of a global, changing and more diverse society.
Interested in studying the same course as Artiana or something similar? Order one of our prospectuses or book on to a future Open Day.
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