Meet BSc (Hons) Sport Rehabilitation graduate Jack

Sport Rehabilitation student Jack in a t-shirt against a white painted brick wall.

Jack completed his BSc (Hons) in Sport Rehabilitation at the University of Salford, graduating with a passion for helping athletes recover from injuries and reach their full potential. Throughout his university journey, Jack immersed himself in diverse experiences, from placements with England Basketball and Stockport County Football Club to an enriching six-week placement in the USA with the American professional baseball team, Detroit Tigers. 

We caught up with Jack to delve into his varied experiences and gather insights for aspiring professionals in the realm of Sports Rehabilitation. 

Hi Jack, tell us more about yourself

“I’m Jack. I’m from Manchester and currently approaching the end of my third and final year at the university! Alongside my studies, I’m a track and field athlete on the University’s High-Performance Athlete Programme.”

Why did you choose to study Sport Rehabilitation?

“I chose Sport Rehabilitation as it was everything I wanted to do in one course and more. I also feel that being from a sport background, I gained a natural curiosity around injuries and rehabilitation from my own experiences with injury and wanted to explore and understand everything further.”

What made you choose Salford?

“I heard of the reputation that the Sport Rehabilitation programme had at Salford along with it being the “birthplace” of the course. When I came on Open Days, it more than met my expectations and blew me away with the facilities and equipment, which have only developed and grown throughout my time here. Not to mention that the university is on my doorstep, so it was convenient to get to!”

How will your degree help you with future career plans?

“My aim is to work within elite level sport and have my own private practice, which means I have a long road ahead of me but one which will provide me with a challenge I’m willing to accept. I aspire to one day tackle the academic pathway by working towards a master’s and doctorate, I hope!”

Tell us what an ordinary day at university is like

“A normal day for me would start at 07:00 – 07:30 to make it to the university for me to sit down and go through any reading before the lectures start at 09:00. These typically ended around 11:00 with the afternoon sessions starting around 14:00 and ending at 15:00-16:00. The weeks can vary depending on which year you’re in and which semester you’re in.”