university of salford international student

As an international student, studying and settling in a new country can be super exciting, but it can also feel like you’re stepping into a whirlwind. Culture shock? Check. Homesickness? Probably. Weather that’s unpredictable? Potentially (but hey, that’s what jackets are for!).

Here are some tips to help you navigate this wild ride with finesse and a dash of humour- so buckle up for a crash course in surviving (and thriving) in your new home away from home.

Embrace the adventure

First things first, throw caution to the wind and dive headfirst into the adventure. Yes, it’s intimidating to step out of your comfort zone, but guess what? You taking this step to study in a new country is already outside of your comfort zone, so why not embrace it and let the magic happen?! Explore the buzz of Manchester city centre and the beauty of Salford Quays.

Make new friends

Let’s face it, being far from family and friends can be tough. It’s time to get your friendly personality out and make new friends. You’re not alone in this journey- reach out to the other international students, join societies and bond over shared experiences. You’ll be amazed at the friendships you’ll form and the support system you’ll build.

Embrace the culture shock

Culture shock is real, but it ‘s also an opportunity for you to learn and grow. Whether you’re deciphering the various British slangs, mastering the art of queuing (trust me, it’s an art form), or navigating the public transport system, (especially the buses) embrace the weird and beautiful. Laugh at the misunderstandings, learn from the differences, and always remember that you’re not alone in this ride.

Weather the weather

Let’s talk about the weather, shall we? I’m sure by now, you’ve seen a few memes online about how unpredictable the British weather is and I promise you, they are not exaggerating – sunshine one moment, rain the next, and perhaps a hint of snow just for fun. Knowing this, it’s good to invest in a good umbrella, always have a coat, and don’t let a little drizzle dampen your mood. After all, there’s no such thing as a bad weather, only inappropriate clothing!

Stay connected with home

photo of Chidera Stephen working on her laptop

Missing your family and friends from home is completely natural, but thanks to technology, the world is more connected than ever. Schedule regular video calls with your loved ones, share snippets of your new life in Salford and take comfort in knowing that home is just a call away.

Seek support when needed

Last but certainly not least, do not hesitate to seek support when you need it. Whether you are feeling overwhelmed with your coursework or missing home, help is always at hand. Reach out to AskUs, talk to your friends or talk to your academic advisor. Remember, asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

So, there you have it, your essential guide to adapting to life in a new country. It won’t always be smooth sailing, but with a positive attitude and a sprinkle of resilience, you’ll definitely navigate your way through it. Welcome to the University of Salford, where you’ll learn, grow and embrace the beauty of the unknown. You’ve got this!