You are invited to the following event :
Urban Ethnography Maphack
Monday 7th December 12-2pm
Room 2.03/04, Mediacity Campus
University of Salford
M50 2HE Salford
The Universities of Salford and Manchester are collaborating to host a ‘map hack’ where people interested in urban ethnography put ethnographies about particular cities onto a Google map. Come along to get involved.
Two anthropologists, Dr Jessica Symons (University of Salford) and Dr Camilla Lewis (University of Manchester) are inviting people from across different disciplines to take part in a fun exercise that will map urban ethnographies in cities across the world to create a freely available online resource. By the end of the workshop, there will be an interactive map of urban ethnographies categorised by city and theme available and updatable via the Realising the city website.
This workshop is supported by Mistra Urban Futures so particular attention will be paid to fieldwork and ethnographic accounts in the cities of Greater Manchester (UK), Cape Town (South Africa), Kismu (Kenya) and Gothenburg (Sweden). However all cities can be included in the maphack, based on the interests of the people who attend.
This workshop will also launch the Urban Ethnography Reading Group announcing a programme of reading group gatherings from January 2016. This Reading Group is supported by SURF, a research group within SOBE (School for the Built Environment) at the University of Salford and Cities@Manchester at the University of Manchester. More details on the Realising the city website
Places are *free* but limited so best to book via Eventbrite here: