Professor Diana Haytko from Florida Gulf Coast University will visit Salford Business School next month, giving two Marketing-related seminars, on 6 and 11 July, which are open to colleagues and students.
‘The New Retirement’, retirement age, demographic and economic changes in the US leading to changes in spending patterns.
Wednesday 6 July, 2-4pm, in Lady Hale G14
This seminar is aimed at colleagues and postgraduate students.
Writing for publication: A focus on 4* journals
Monday 11 July, 2-4pm, in Lady Hale 03
This seminar is aimed at colleagues and PhD students.
Professor Haytko is a Professor of Marketing with a particular research interest in relationship marketing and international business; she has published in a range of internationally regarded journals including the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Retailing, the Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. She is on the Editorial Board of the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, and the Journal of Educational Leadership. She is also editor of the Journal of Business Cases and Applications and the special issue of Marketing Education Review on Teaching Innovation.
Diana has also received two American teaching awards: the Houghton-Mifflin Pride and Ferrell Teaching Innovations Award and the American Advertising Federation Educator of the Year award.
Dr Agata Maccarrone-Eaglen, Senior Lecturer, International Marketing & Service Management at SBS, said: “We are looking forward to welcoming Diana to Salford, to speak on topics which will be of interest to a wide range of colleagues and postgraduate students.
“We are planning to expand our research in International Marketing and Consumer Behaviour in collaboration with Diana; her experience in these fields is remarkable and her input will be of significant value for us, our further development, and, as a consequence, for the enrichment of our curriculum