Poverty’s impact on Wellbeing – 6th August 2018
The work of SHUSU’s Dr Lisa Scullion and Dr Graeme Sherriff has featured on The Conversation in their article ‘Poverty’s Impact on Wellbeing is Hard to Ignore’ (http://theconversation.com/povertys-impact-on-well-being-is-hard-to-ignore-51378).
In it they discuss the wide-ranging ways in which poverty can impact upon wellbeing, including through the cold homes, housing insecurity, unhealthy air, poor food access, and work and welfare insecurity.
Their article was syndicated by Yahoo News (https://uk.news.yahoo.com/poverty-apos-impact-well-being-082046094.html?guccounter=1 ) and the World Economic Forum, (https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/08/reasons-why-poverty-and-lower-life-expectancy-go-hand-in-hand/).