As has been communicated over the past few months, the REF2021 final deadline has been moved to midday 31 March 2021. This takes into account the period of disruption during 2020 because of Covid-19.
The UoS REF team are working hard to ensure that we meet this deadline in good time and have been coordinating activities over the past few months around submission to the three areas that are assessed as part of the REF exercise, namely Outputs (60% of the overall score); Impact (25% of the overall score) and Environment (15% of the overall score).
Upcoming deadlines for each of these areas is outlined below:
- Outputs: Initial decisions currently being modelled in order for first batch to be uploaded to the REF submission system. Final decisions to be made during January 2021 (following final IPR and EPR outcomes)
- Impact: 15 of the 30 impact case studies are currently out for external review and are due back 4th January 2021. Narrative reviews of all case studies currently underway and due to finish by mid-February 2021. Final impact case studies and impact evidence to be submitted to the REF team in w/c 15 February 2021 latest.
- Environment: all environment statements are currently out for external review and are due back by 15th January 2021. Narrative reviews of all environment statements will then take place between 15th and 31st January 2021. Final environment statements to be submitted to the REF team in w/c 15 February 2021 latest.
It is important that these internal deadlines are adhered to in order to give the REF team sufficient time to complete formatting and other checks, as well as obtaining approval from VCET before upload to the REF submission system.

The UoS REF team is here to help with any queries you may have regarding our submission, or alternatively you can go to to check out all the latest REF guidance and more.
The REF team is as follows:
- Dr Rachel Brenchley (REF Manager)
- Rob Shaw (Data / Outputs)
- Emma Sutton (Impact and Environment)
- Marianne Mindombe (IPR / EPR for Outputs)
- Adam Battersby (IPR for Outputs / Data)
Please contact the REF team at in the first instance and we will be happy to help.
If you would like to find out more about impact in general, please contact Emma Sutton, Impact, Engagement and Environment Coordinator on