
International Day of Women & Girls in Science 2022

Dr Marina Leontiadou, Lecturer in Physics and Co-Chair of SEE’s Athena Swan SAT, hosted an online event to celebrate on the 11th of February: the International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2022. There were several invited guest speakers at different stages of their careers, to discuss their own work in STEM and the barriers they faced as a female. The guests were from the University College London, Imperial College London and the University of Salford. You can watch the recording here

Athena Swan

New Athena Swan Leadership in SEE

Sadly, Professor Haifa Takruri has decided to step down as Lead of Athena Swan in SEE. I am sure you will agree, we wouldn’t have been able to receive our Bronze award without her!

Taking the reins now is Dr Tanja Poppelreuter (, Dr Marina Leontiadou ( and Prof Angela Lee ( Feel free to reach out and join the team to ensure that all our processes and procedures in SEE support gender equality.