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Carbon, Energy and Water

Blackout 2017

On Friday 10th March staff and students gathered together to take part in the National Union of Students’ Blackout campaign. After a brief training session and donning their Blackout t-shirts, the volunteers split into teams and went to audit non-essential lights and equipment in their allocated areas. The teams noted down the total number of […]

Go Green Salford

From Monday 13th February – Friday 10th March we will be running a series of free events and activities to raise awareness of sustainability issues and engage with the University community. You can find details below of the activities planned so far and there will be further events announced soon. If you would like any […]

Introducing our new team members!

A big welcome to new and existing staff and students here at the University of Salford. The Sustainability Team are looking forward to an exciting year ahead and hope that you are ready to get involved too! Gillian Wright joined the University back in May as the Energy Manager, and Neva Mowl has recently started […]

! Blackout !

On Friday March 20th, seventy staff and student volunteers came together to audit and turn off unnecessary lights and equipment for the weekend as part of the National Union of Students’ Blackout campaign. It’s the first campus-wide energy audit the university has held for a number of years. Students met at the Atmosphere Café in […]

Green Impact 2014/15 !

Welcome back staff and students to another big year at the University of Salford! The sustainability team have a number of exciting initiatives planned for this year including the university’s involvement in Green Impact for a second year. The team want to firstly say a big thank you to Charlie Spring for all the hard […]

Green Impact Special Awards Winners recognized at University Day

As part of this year’s University Day celebrations, our Special Awards winners were invited onto the stage to receive their recycled slate awards, marking a year of extra efforts towards making Salford and the wider community a greener place. Our award-winners were photographed with Martin Hall (see below), and Special Mention winners were given framed […]

Eddie Colman residents are the most switched OFF (now let’s party!)

Congratulations to students living in Eddie Coleman halls of residence who have won the 2013-14 Student Switch Off competition. They saved the most electricity per person over this academic year, reducing their consumption by 7% compared to previous years! Find out how your hall did: Eddie Coleman hall will be getting a Ben and […]

The Green Machine steps up to Green Impact challenge

Guest post from Lauren Broderick (Sports Centre receptionist) “Here at the sports centre we have been working towards the silver award in the first year of taking part in the Green Impact project. The whole team have got behind the Green Impact work and we have worked hard to make our centre greener- always thinking […]

Team Green Crescent: what Green Impact means to me

Green Crescent are ready to hit ‘submit’ on their Green Impact Bronze workbook. Progress dragged at first, but with the movement of the Governance Service Unit team into Estates H/Q came a new flush of enthusiasm and a well-stocked team. With regular meetings and the help of our trusty Green Impact noticeboard, we’ve finally got […]

Advancing towards a greener way of working

Guest post by Paul Butlin (Advancement Green Impact team, Faraday House) Over the past four months the Advancement team have been working towards Green Impact bronze award. We have found that making lots of small changes has really helped us to change our office into a greener and more sustainable environment. I asked the team […]