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Sustainable Communities

! Blackout !

On Friday March 20th, seventy staff and student volunteers came together to audit and turn off unnecessary lights and equipment for the weekend as part of the National Union of Students’ Blackout campaign. It’s the first campus-wide energy audit the university has held for a number of years. Students met at the Atmosphere Café in […]

Alumni House: Going for PLATINUM!

Alumni House: A Review of our Green Impact Year The team at Alumni House put together a great newsletter to celebrate their year with Green Impact – open and read the PDF below! Read the Alumni House Update here.

The Library and ITS make a Green Impact!

Greening the Library! The Green Library team got together a little later than some teams (in February 2015) but is already well on the way to achieving the Bronze award (with even some completed actions in Silver and Gold too!). Our team is made up of 6 people from across the library service, all with […]

SURF and Computer Science and Engineering Updates!

Helping the planet: reducing SURF’s food print As part of our efforts to try and improve our Green Impact, the SURF Centre is seeking to reduce our foodprint.  The Greater Manchester Low Carbon Hub has recently commissioned a low carbon food report to try to understand and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from food consumption and […]

Green Impact 2014/15 !

Welcome back staff and students to another big year at the University of Salford! The sustainability team have a number of exciting initiatives planned for this year including the university’s involvement in Green Impact for a second year. The team want to firstly say a big thank you to Charlie Spring for all the hard […]

National Recognition for Green Impact Award Winners!

We are very proud to announce that two of our Green Impact Award Winners have also been recognised at the national Green Impact Awards. Congratulations to the School of Computing, Science & Engineering’s Daniel Wadsworth, and undergraduate students Laura Reed and Callum Hill!

Green Impact Special Awards Winners recognized at University Day

As part of this year’s University Day celebrations, our Special Awards winners were invited onto the stage to receive their recycled slate awards, marking a year of extra efforts towards making Salford and the wider community a greener place. Our award-winners were photographed with Martin Hall (see below), and Special Mention winners were given framed […]

Our first Green Impact awards!

University’s first Green Impact awards take place (The following appeared as a news story in the US staff magazine on 17 June 2014) Colleagues involved in Green Impact initiatives plant a commemorative olive tree. The efforts of colleagues who are concerned about environmental issues such as global warming have been recognised at the University’s inaugural […]

USSU builds on past achievements to gain a Green Impact award

This year, we’ve been delighted to work with the University of Salford Students’ Union. They’ve helped us with hosting events, promoting Green Impact and connecting with students. In addition, they have completed the University of Salford bronze award criteria in record time. The team are looking forward to competing in the nationwide inter-union Green Impact […]