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Green Flag Awards

Green Flag Awards 2024

University of Salford awarded the coveted Green Flag Award as it is officially recognised as one of the country’s best green spaces! Our beautiful campus has once again been recognised as one of the best green spaces in the UK by receiving the prestigious Green Flag Award – for the sixth year in a row! […]

Green Impact Awards 2023

On Wednesday 22nd November, staff and students came together to celebrate sustainability achievements at the University of Salford Green Impact Awards! Green Impact is a sustainability engagement programme, run internationally by SOS-UK. It’s a simple, fun and flexible way for departments to improve their environmental performance and champion sustainability at the University whilst receiving recognition […]

University of Salford shortlisted for two prestigious sustainability awards

The Green Gown Awards are the most prestigious recognition of best practice within the further and higher education sector. Established in 2004, the aim of the Awards is to showcase exceptional sustainability initiatives undertaken within the education sector, and to highlight the role of universities and colleges in educating the next generations about sustainable and […]

Green Flag Awards 2022

The University of Salford campus has once again been recognised by the prestigious Green Flag Award Scheme as one of the best green spaces in the world. Green Flag Award is the international quality mark for parks and green spaces. Following a desk assessment and a visit at our campus, we can once again raise […]

We’re officially a Cycle Friendly Employer!

The Cycle Friendly Employer scheme, run by Cycling UK, is a framework for employers to promote and enable cycling at their workplace. Earlier this year we have achieved the Gold Award! Following an audit at the end of last year, we are delighted to announce that the University of Salford received the Gold Award! The […]

The Big Hog-Friendly Litter Pick Challenge

Litter is one of the main threats to hedgehogs living in urban environments. Unfortunately, many of them die because of it every year. To help create a safe and welcoming space for them on our campus, we’ve signed up to this year’s Big Hog-Friendly Litter Pick Challenge! About the challenge The challenge will take place […]

UoS School of Arts, Media and Creative Technology Green Gown Awards Finalists

The Green Gown Awards are the most prestigious recognition of best practice within the further and higher education sector. Established in 2004, the aim of the Awards is to show recognition for exceptional sustainability initiatives undertaken within the education sector, and to highlight the role of universities and colleges in educating the next generations about […]

Sustainability Awards 2019

On Monday 25th November, staff and students came together to celebrate sustainability achievements at the University. This included the awards for our sustainability accreditation scheme, Green Impact. The change and engagement programme helps people understand sustainability, advises them what they can do to make a difference and supports them in achieving positive actions in a simple, fun and flexible […]