Join the nationwide bug hunt!

The Bugs Count survey is now open so what a great excuse to get outside and discover the incredible variety of invertebrates that make their home around us. The survey involves finding as many bugs as you can in the

Join the nationwide bug hunt!

The Bugs Count survey is now open so what a great excuse to get outside and discover the incredible variety of invertebrates that make their home around us. The survey involves finding as many bugs as you can in the

Bags of success at Wallness Lane Tidy Up!

Our Vice-Chancellor, Professor Martin Hall, along with colleagues from Student Life and the Environment & Sustainability team, in Estates, led a clean-up campaign on the area around Wallness Lane yesterday.  This first clean-up event which took place on the afternoon

Bags of success at Wallness Lane Tidy Up!

Our Vice-Chancellor, Professor Martin Hall, along with colleagues from Student Life and the Environment & Sustainability team, in Estates, led a clean-up campaign on the area around Wallness Lane yesterday.  This first clean-up event which took place on the afternoon

What a jump in the Green League!

The People and Planet Green League 2011 was published yesterday in The Guardian and Salford have climbed a whopping 85 places from 122nd to 37th! We’re now classified at the top of the 2:1 category. The Green League is produced

What a jump in the Green League!

The People and Planet Green League 2011 was published yesterday in The Guardian and Salford have climbed a whopping 85 places from 122nd to 37th! We’re now classified at the top of the 2:1 category. The Green League is produced

Teleworking: A sustainable travel option

The BBC News Magazine looks at the growth in employers offering home working to their employees and how technological advances have helped facilitate the increase in people working from home. Teleworking is an excellent sustainable travel option, due to the

Teleworking: A sustainable travel option

The BBC News Magazine looks at the growth in employers offering home working to their employees and how technological advances have helped facilitate the increase in people working from home. Teleworking is an excellent sustainable travel option, due to the