Today I’m speaking to Hatty Ruddick. Hatty is in her second year of studying HR Management and is a perfect example of how you can make a difference as a student during your time at university. I caught up with her to hear about how she does this…
Why do you study at Salford?
I came on an open day on the recommendation of my mum, who was studying here at the time. I originally applied to do a Drama degree, got into all my Drama schools and decided it just wasn’t for me. I’m from Manchester originally and didn’t want to move any further away. I visited Salford, and it just seemed to be the one that fit me best from the beginning.
What do you enjoy about your course?
I study HR, and I’d quite like to get into politics. I like the human-side of my course, people have emotions and need to have a work-life balance, and most importantly, people need to know how to motivate other people! I have good management skills from studying modules like Management of Business Operations These modules are really good to get a grasp of those essential planning skills.
What else do you do with the Business School? 
I’m a School Representative for the first and second years. I was involved in my student council at college, and knew I could have an impact. While being a School Rep I’ve held drop-ins for students, and started working with the Salford Business School to train invigilators on panic attacks in exams. I love being able to make an impact on student lives.
You are also a Student Trustee. What does that entail?
As a School Rep I began to learn a lot about the Salford SU and the impact it has on students’ lives. As the SU is a charity it needs to be governed by a board, and there is four students on this board and I’m one of them!
Are you part of any societies?
Yes! I’m currently the President for the Business Society until the end of this semester, and I’m also the Wellbeing Officer for CATS (Cancer Awareness in Teenagers and Young People Society) and I’m in Almost Famous too where I get involved in stage productions.
What else are you doing for students alongside of your degree?
I’m currently running for ‘Block of 15’ for NUS. NUS is the National Union of Students and is governed by full-time officers, the President and 15 other students across the country. They look at policies that are taken to NUS. I want to make sure I’m not just helping students in Salford, but beyond too. We are currently just waiting on the results – which is exciting!
Why do you want to help students?
It is something I now have a massive passion for and not what I expected to come to university to do. I expected to come here and do a degree and then leave but my eyes have been widened to issues affecting students nationally. And I’d love to be part of helping shape the changes that are made there.
How has Salford helped you achieve all this?
There has been so much support, and I couldn’t have done any of this without my personal tutor specifically, as well as the amazing Wellbeing services here. University is stressful and if you do take on extra activities sometimes there is that work-life balance clash. So, the services offered here have been so vital in helping me achieve a good balance. I believe everything happens for a reason, and I picked University of Salford for a reason and without me being in this environment I probably would be doing another degree and just that.
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