Chiamaka, Olufemi and Elim joined our master’s in FinTech. As part of the programme, they were all selected to complete a month-long study tour in Canada.

Carry on reading to find out more about their experiences.

Why did you choose to study MSc FinTech at Salford?

Chiamaka: As an international student, I wanted value for money and Salford’s flexible payment plans really gave me that. I remember reading through the modules of MSc FinTech at Salford and just smiling because I saw the depth in the curriculum that I was looking for.

Olufemi: I was really impressed with the admission teams, they were quick to respond, professional and had excellent communication skills. I was also attracted to Salford being so close to Manchester which I
believe would increase the number of job opportunities available.

Elim: The University of Salford appealed to me because of its strong reputation in business and technology studies, along with its practical approach to education.

What is the best thing about the course?

Elim: The programme’s strong emphasis on real-world application and its alignment with current industry trends make it incredibly valuable.

Chiamaka: Our teachers brought in industry experts to talk to us about the realities of the industry and what skills we would need to get to where we want to be. They also invited some international graduates from the course who are doing really well in the UK to talk to us which inspired me as I could see it is possible to achieve my dreams.

Olufemi: The best thing about this course is that it equips you with a diversified skillset to navigate the fast-paced worlds of finance and technology and contribute to the next wave of innovation.


Tell us about the month-long summer school in Canada.

Chiamaka: As part of the course, we had the opportunity to apply for a fully funded month-long study tour at Humber College in Canada. Due to our high grades, we were all accepted to go. This opportunity was part of the University’s commitment to provide students with global learning experiences.

Elim: During my time in Canada, I participated in a variety of activities that broadened my academic and professional horizons including attending sustainability workshops, collaborating on research projects and networking with professionals from different sectors.

Olufemi: I have developed a wide range of knowledge during my time in Canada from learning how to start my own podcast to how to research for my master’s dissertation.

What was the best thing about the experience?

Elim: The best part was the opportunity to immerse myself in a different culture whilst simultaneously advancing my education. The blend of learning and cultural exchange was enriching, providing a well-rounded experience that has had a lasting impact on my personal and professional growth.

Chiamaka: I had the chance to learn from sustainability experts which was enlightening. I also really enjoyed learning about the different aspects of life and culture in Canada.


How do you think this has helped you in your future career?

Chiamaka: The tour provided valuable insights into sustainability practices within the FinTech industry. It also expanded my professional network which will be beneficial for my future career.

Elim: My experience in Canada has been a significant addition to my academic and professional portfolio. It has not only broadened my understanding of global markets but also provided me with practical knowledge about sustainability.

Olufemi: The knowledge and experience gained have provided a solid foundation for my doctoral research. I envision myself contributing to cutting-edge research in the future.


What are your future plans?

Olufemi: I plan on taking my CFA exam after my master’s before working towards completing my PhD.

Elim: I aim to enter FinTech industry focusing on roles that allow me to apply the knowledge I’ve acquired.

Chiamaka: My future plans include pursuing a career in financial technology and investment management with a focus on developing solutions that promote financial inclusion in emerging and developed markets.