Here you’ll find upcoming events on and around campus. Getting involved in events and activities is a great way to make the most of your time as a Salford student. You’ll learn something new, make friends, plan for the future and have some fun.
You will need to book your place for some events. Make sure you do this in advance, as places can be limited.
20-26 January
- Mon 20 Jan: Making the Most of LinkedIn Workshop, online
- Mon 20 Jan: SU Free Archery Session, Sports Hall
- Tue 21 Jan: How to Pass Your Assessments Workshop, Clifford Whitworth Library
- Tue 21 Jan: International Opportunities Drop-In, Careers Hub
- Wed 22 Jan: Launch Programme Q&A for Entrepreneurs, Maxwell Building
- Wed 22 Jan: Crafty Campus, MediaCity
- Wed 22 Jan: SU Crafternoon, University House
- Thu 23 Jan: Annual Law Lecture, Peel Building
- Thu 23 Jan: Start Up School for Freelancers, online
- Thu 23 Jan: CV Drop-In, Careers Hub
- Thu 23 Jan: Unitemps Drop-In, Careers Hub
- Thu 23 Jan: SU International Community Student Resources, University House
- Fri 24 Jan: LEAP Drop-In, Careers Hub
- Fri 24 Jan: SU Movie Night, University House
- Fri 24 Jan: Almost Famous Presents the Importance of Being Earnest, New Adelphi Theatre
Where Else To Find Out What’s On
There’s so much happening that we couldn’t possibly fit it all on one page. You can find more upcoming events in the following places:
Student Hub: find all the latest events and news specifically for you
SU website: find events and activities ran by your SU and student bar, Atmosphere
Advantage: find all upcoming workshops to support you in your studies and career planning
Sports Centre website: find weekly gym classes and events
Instagram: follow us on Instagram to stay up-to-date with all the latest events happening