The Harold Riley Awards for Community Engagement are specifically aimed at our colleagues who have excelled in engaging with our community in Salford. For this category there was one winner, and one highly commended award made.
The judging panel were struck by the level of industriousness and engagement we, as a University, have committed to our community, and how the evidence provided clearly demonstrates the benefits and impact that this gives.
The shortlisted candidates for this award, presented as part of the Vice-Chancellor’s Awards at University Day (8 June), were:
- Salford Community Christmas – Dr Tracy Collins and Amanda Jarvis (School of Health Sciences);
- The Careers & Employability Team – Julia Spencer, Tahira Majothi, Rachel Martin and Arron Pile (Student Life);
- In the Making Project – Dr Ursula Hurley (School of Arts & Media);
- The User and Carers Partnership Team – Dr Julie Wray, Dr Elizabeth Collier, Dr Michelle Howarth, Maureen McMahon, Dr Celia Hynes, Mel Rushton, Dr Mary Braine (School of Nursing, Midwifery, Social Work and Social Sciences).
The winner was The User and Carers Partnerships Team. This is an outstanding project which has demonstrated longevity and sustainability which has tuned into the topical issue of the need to involve users and carers to improve their experiences, knowledge and ensure their voices are embedded in learning and practice.
It has developed a support network that bringing people together who can empathise and assist one another and brings the community into the University through the conference and user/carer garden at the Mary Seacole building.
The team said: “We are all very happy to receive this special award. We have enjoyed working with the public over the last 10 years in the form of the User and Carers Partnership in our School. The success of the Partnership is down totheir commitment to, and passion for, nurse education with the support of all staff in the school including professional services, academic colleagues and student buddies. Together we have helped our students to become the best nurses they can be. We are so proud and humble that such hard work over a 10 year period has been noted in this very special way. We thank Harold Riley and the judges for choosing us. “
The Highly Recommended Award, went to Dr Ursula Hurley, from the School of Arts & Media. The judging panel all agreed that ‘In the Making’ was an excellent project with a very wide and diverse partnership, dedicated to improving people’s quality of life and involving users directly in the experience. The project has been made available across the City of Salford and not isolated to specific areas/wards and has an established support network with the users where they can share experiences. Read more about In The Making in an earlier US News story.