We are excited to be partnering once again with the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the University of Manchester and Manchester Metropolitan University to host the ESRC Festival of Social Science from 22 October to 13 November 2022.
The main theme for this year’s Festival is ‘My Local Area’ and will be a celebration of any and all aspects of social science research that relate to the City of Salford.
We have a range of exciting events taking place across this period, all kicking off with a launch event for our event organisers, which is hosted by the University of Manchester on Tuesday, 18th October.
Festival facts
The Festival of Social Science is an annual celebration of research and knowledge about humans and society. It is an opportunity for anyone to explore topics relating to social science – from health and wellbeing to crime, equality, education and identity – through events run by researchers from UK universities. There is no cost to attend, and most are open to everyone, though some are aimed at specific groups.
In 2021 there were over 400 events across the UK, delivered by 34 universities. They ran throughout November in a mixture of online, in-person and hybrid formats, and included talks, performances, exhibitions, participatory events and panel debates.

Salford’s confirmed events in 2022:
Wednesday 26th October
- Postcards from Salford (pop-up interactive event at Pendleton Gate)
- Learning Sounds for Games with Minecraft (workshop on creating sound for games)
Tuesday 1st November
- Postcards from Salford (pop-up interactive event at Eccles Gateway)
Wednesday 2nd November
- Autism Spectrum Disorder and Criminal Law (online conference event with panel discussion)
Thursday 3rd November
- Ugandan Virtual Wound Clinic (online participatory interactive event)
Friday 4th November
- Not the Last Resort: Interprofessional Training Care Home Schemes (interactive event at Manchester Piccadilly train station)
Wednesday 9th November
- Young People and Crime (taster event for college students across Greater Manchester)
Thursday 10th November – Sunday 13th November
- Fence to Freedom: Photography of Place, Belonging and Citizenship (exhibition and engagement event on University of Salford campus)
***Other events are likely to be added to the calendar in the next couple of weeks, so please keep checking https://festivalofsocialscience.com for further details***
More detailed information and links to sign up to our events can be found at : https://festivalofsocialscience.com/events/partner/university-of-salford/
Follow us @SalfordImpact #esrcfestival