2020 UoS Research
Live Example: https://blogs.salford.ac.uk/thinklab/
Key Points
Responsive: Yes
Has Analytics? Yes
Has University Logo? Yes
Logo Position: Top right next to site title
Customizer Settings
- Homepage Carousel
- Tick this box to remove the carousel from the homepage
- Tick this box to stop the carousel from auto sliding
- Slides (x5)
- Image
- Title
- Caption
- Link
- Link Title
- Logo
- Remove University of Salford Logo?
- Logo
- Colours
- Header Text Colour
- Header Image
- Image
- Theme Options
- Show comments on page?
- Show breadcrumbs on page?
- Show Social Media Icons?
Position: Below Site Title and UoS Logo
Dropdown Levels: 2
Contains Search: Yes
Menu Locations
- Main Menu
- Main Menu shown Horizontally
Unused, but defined, Menu Locations
- Secondary Menu
- Tertiary Menu
- Footer Menu
Widget Areas
- Front Page Sidebar
- Widget area to the right of the content
- Only shown on custom pages using the default page template
- Widget area to the right of the content
- Main sidebar
- Widget area to the right of the content
- Shown everywhere except custom pages and posts with the page template ‘Two Column Sidebar’
- Widget area to the right of the content
- Footer Left
- Widget area at the top of the footer
- Left Aligned
- Widget area at the top of the footer
- Footer Middle
- Widget area at the top of the footer
- Centre Aligned
- Widget area at the top of the footer
- Footer Right
- Widget area at the top of the footer
- Centre Aligned
- Widget area at the top of the footer
- Copyright
- Widget area at the bottom of the footer
- Full width
- Mainly there for extra copyright notices
- Widget area at the bottom of the footer
- Two Column Sidebar
- Widget area to the right of the content
- Only shown on pages with the page template ‘Two Column Sidebar’
- Widget area to the right of the content