Yes! You heard it right we have Alien sightings at the University of Salford, it is confirmed to be particularly prominent amongst MSc International Events Management students.
Alien life form has been sighted at the University of Salford; it has been seen walking around Salford Business School helping students find their way to a better future.
It is believed that the Alien who people are calling SalfordUniversET has come from the future and is now showing us humans what the future lies for them.
Many students believe that SalfordUniversET glasses are the gateway to the future.
Until now it has shown the way to many students from across the globe.
Bright Red Skin & Long Fingers
Don’t be alarmed by its bright red skin and those long fingers, it has said to be a very wise and a gentle creature that landed on earth with the sole purpose of helping the human race. If you want to excel within SalfordUniversET’s expertise of international event management and gain invaluable skills then look out for it. It will show you the way, provide you will useful information and help apply the skills needed to excel in your field.
SalfordUniversET has been helping current students of the MSc International Events Management programme in organising events, helping student to implement the skills imparted to them by the SalfordUniversET Glasses. SalfordUniversET helps students to gain all the tools required for getting the competitive advantage in the industry.
SalfordUniversET the helping hand!
SalfordUniversET has very recently been seen educating postgraduate students’ of the international events management programme taught at the Salford Business School. The extra terrestrial takes a great deal of interest in how the international events management programme is structured.
Salford Business School recently won The Times Higher Education Business School of the Year Award and has multiple programme intakes throughout the academic year. The teaching is done in block delivery sessions that makes it easy for students to work while they study. The school has excellent connections with a comprehensive network of international events and industry partners. The modern facilities available at Salford Business School Media City Campus have been introduced to pave your future.
International Events Management Case Study: George (The Party Planner)
This is George, he has a great deal of passion for organising international events in the UK. Unfortunately George didn’t have the necessary skill set or theoretical knowledge to understand how the event management industry operates and faced continuous failure. Until one day when he was visited by SalfordUniversET, who embellished him with the SalfordUniversET glasses.
As soon as George put them on, everything became much clearer, where he realised what he was missing and what he had to do to be the successful international events manager he was aspiring to be. If you want the see what actually happened watch this video…
George生活在曼城,一直梦想从事国际会展管理专业,有一次他试着举办了一个party,不过只有两个人参加,其中一个还是他爷爷。面对梦想与现实之间的落差,George深深感到难过。有一天,当他坐在公园思考人生的时候,突然身边出现了一个红色的外星人。他惊讶的说不出话来,也忘记了逃跑。外星人跟他对视了三秒,笑着给了他一副眼镜,说到。。“戴上这幅眼镜”, 便消失了。George又恐惧又好奇的戴上了眼镜,神奇的事情发生了,很多关于会展管理的理论知识都像解码一样出现在他眼前,那些生动的party一个个的闪现在他眼前,而这些信息都来自于索尔福德大学商学院会展管理专业的知识体系。拿下眼镜,George记得所有内容,摇身一变,成了会展策划的“百变星君”。
Nice blog ??