I am currently reading for a PhD at Salford Business School, in Manchester. I am investigating the adoption of innovation within digital marketing firms in the UK, paying special attention to the implications of social, knowledge, human and structural capital on process and service innovations. The investigation is based on providing a detailed picture of innovation that takes into account both internal and external organisational factors.
The focus of the research is on the digital sector, since it is at the core of enabling UK growth, yet long-term innovation is still very much needed. Digital companies operate across most economic sectors from game development, telecommunication to financial services.
Why Digital Marketing Innovation?
Digital Marketing innovation (CC) by European Parliament
My particular interest is on digital marketing organisations, as marketing is one of the largest industries of the digital sector, along with software development and media and entertainment.
What do I mean by digital marketing? Digital marketing agencies provide a range of digital activities and services, that include mobile, email and social media marketing, search engine optimisation (SEO), online public relations (PR), web design and web development amongst other activities.
Whilst they have a strong track record in the innovation of services they also face a need to innovate within this growing and fast moving industry that faces many challenges, not least the digital skills gap.
With its use of technology, digital marketing is increasingly shaping the future of marketing activities. However, at the same time within the service sector there is a lack of insight into how innovation happens and therefore how service firms can best generate innovative solutions to meet their clients’ needs and constantly changing customer expectations.
Can you take part in this research?
Taking part in this investigation allows you to help in developing further understanding of service innovation, which is beneficial to both the digital marketing industry and the service sector as a whole.
I am looking for small (less than 40 employees), medium (40 to 100 employees) and large (over 100 employees) digital marketing agencies across the UK that would be interested in sharing experiences, opinions, observations and thoughts around their innovation, inter-organisational relationships, skills and processes.
Participation in this research would involve two staff members being interviewed for about half an hour each over a coffee.
However, this would depend on the size of the firm and of course on your availability and time. Interviewees would ideally be senior and middle managers as they are more likely to be able to comment on the innovation activities and practices within their firms. Interviews can be carried out at your work premises or any other place of your convenience.
Not in an agency but would like to get involved?
I am also looking to interview people with expertise in innovation from the digital marketing industry and academia. Their insight will help to evaluate how digital marketing agencies can best use their social, knowledge, human and structural capital to enhance their innovation, and to inform the development of a practical innovation model for the digital marketing industry.
Interviews will be an hour long and can be conducted face to face or over the phone. Participants will also receive a copy of the research findings and get the opportunity to attend the workshop.
What is in it for me?
In addition to contributing to the theoretical knowledge in the field of service innovation, firms taking part in the research will:
- Inform the development of a practical innovation model aimed at strengthening the innovation practices of digital marketing agencies in the UK
- Receive a copy of the research findings, which could be used to stimulate and strengthen their own innovation activities
- Connect with other participants in a workshop on the findings that will be useful in better understanding innovation in the context of digital marketing
If you are interested in contributing or need further information on the research please do email me (V.Menelec@edu.salford.ac.uk). Many thanks.