Business School

Peel Building at the University of Salford

Salford Business School programmes awarded distinguished EFMD accreditation

Two Salford Business School programmes, MSc International Business and MSc Accounting and Finance, have again been re-accredited by EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development), based on their quality, excellence and strategic relevance. Both programmes were initially accredited back in 2015, with a five-year re-accreditation confirmed in December 2024.

How mentoring helped one of our students secure a graduate role at BDO

We take great pride in creating meaningful connections between our students, donors and alumni. Mentoring plays a key role in this, as it shapes the careers of our students, especially during their transition from university to the workplace. Today, we are excited to share the inspiring success story of Anish, a recent graduate in Business and Finance Management, and his mentor, Keven Parker, Joint Managing Partner at NorthEdge Private Equity.

Dr Mohammed Albakri receives best paper award

Dual Award Winner Dr Mohammed Albakri: Empowering Oman to Become a Competitive Digital Economy

Dr. Mohammed Ali Albakri was recently invited to contribute at a prestigious conference in Oman on Empowering Oman to Become a Competitive Digital Economy. The conference provided a forum for thought leaders and innovators to discuss strategies for driving digital transformation across the country. The “2nd International Conference on Strategies for Empowering Oman as a Competitive Economy”, […]

Our Latest Teaching and Learning Informed Research Publication by Dr. Mohammed Albakri, Prof. Trevor Wood-Harper and Prof. Robert Wood in Collaboration with SBS Cluster

I am delighted to share my latest teaching and learning-informed research publication submitted to the Systems Research & Behavioural Science journal in collaboration with Professor Trevor Wood-Harper, Professor Robert Wood, and the SBS cluster. If you are interested in information systems, digital transformation, sociotechnical systems, learning management systems, or higher education literature, this is the […]

Our web app development module and why it’s so special!

Are you looking for a Business Management programme where you can learn technical skills, like web app development? Are you interested in working in the digital space after you complete your degree? Or are you a business looking to work with a university because you need students with a business perspective who can manage the […]

Why aren’t there more women in tech? 

A number of recent studies tell a pretty dismal story of gender imbalance in the tech sector. For some hard figures, a recent survey of 1500 women working in tech, conducted by Women in Tech, found that only 1 in 6 tech specialists are women, and sadly only 1 in 10 women are IT leaders. […]

Salford Business School and the Experience Economy

By Nicola McCullough, Alex Culvin, Gordon Fletcher & Alex Fenton As we consume less things, we seek out more experiences. There is a growing trend for people to spend money on experiences not things. This movement away from the pivotal importance of purchasing and owning things can be described as the rise of the Experience […]