european union

Business will suffer if Schengen agreement is suspended

The Schengen area has never been tested to the same level as it is now. The unprecedented volume of refugees arriving in Europe has left its leaders struggling to cope. Germany’s chancellor, Angela Merkel, issued a sober warning that the crisis puts Schengen into question, while Italy says it is ready to impose border controls […]

Why Europe has no Silicon Valley: startup culture comparison

Silicon Valley has become a synonym for innovation and with its ecosystem of super venture capitalists it is world renowned as a hub for new products and software. However, as we teach on the digital innovation module for The Salford MBA: Digital Business, recent developments suggest that the tide of innovation is turning towards Europe. […]

ERASMUS Intensive Programmes success

We have recently received great feedback from the British Council on Salford Business School’s Erasmus Intensive Programmes held in April 2014. This is an example of the work undertaken by the Erasmus Intensive Programme team at the Business School and which the British Council has highly commended for producing products of excellent international quality. The […]

The right to be forgotten is fundamental in the digital age

The current debate over the right to be forgotten, spurred by a European Union ruling that allows people to stop certain web pages from appearing in search results, is proof – if further proof was required – of the distinct form of public life that is being created by the internet. Our digital identities are […]