Meet the S.U.R.G.E team!

Guest article by M. Spahiev (Green Impact Project Assistant for S.U.R.G.E)

Green Impact is a scheme which encourage staff and students to reduce their environmental impact. Although the program is in its fifth year nationwide, this is the first year it will run at The University of Salford.

My first day as a Green Impact project assistant was more than surprising. I was allocated to the S.U.R.G.E team (Salford University Response to Green Environment) which consists of the campus security and the receptions staff. Our first meeting was at the security main room from where the whole university is monitored.


Picture: Part of the S.U.R.G.E. team on our first meeting

If I need to describe the S.U.R.G.E. team with one word – they are just great. Exclusively enthusiastic and energetic they have completed most of the Bronze tasks in just a week and few of the Silver ones are already on their way. In addition, the team is developing some innovative approaches to spread the Green Impact spirit among other staff members and external visitors. For example, the receptionists are using their daily interactions to promote more environmental friendly types of transport and other green initiatives to visitors.

Some interesting activities are also going on at the Security main room. Still a prototype – the team is testing a new infrared camera which can monitor spaces without the need of any light which have the potential to reduce the overall electricity consumption.

Generally speaking S.U.R.G.E. stepped into the Green Impact project without any previous experience and maybe that is the reason why they introduced a completely new approach how to instil the green idea in their daily responsibilities. Furthermore, the team had some good environmental-friendly practices in place before the start of the project which shows their proactive attitude towards green initiatives.

The ‘Go for Gold week’ provided a great opportunity to meet other teams and share experience gained since the recent start of the program. Moreover, it was useful to exchange ideas with other team members.

During my MSc studies I heard a comment connected with current business situation that you must go out of the recession in a completely new shape in order to survive. Metaphorically speaking, if we assume that the environment nowadays is in recession, maybe Green Impact is the first step towards our rescue.

And just a friendly reminder – switch off the lights before you leave, S.U.R.G.E. team is watching you.

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