Sustaining Photography

Sustaining Photography is a collaborative project by Lizzie King & Gwen Riley Jones to connect and engage students at the University of Salford with sustainable photographic processes, using produce from the campus Community Allotment.

Traditional photographic methods use chemicals that create toxic waste. The project instead is sharing and developing new methods using organic, plant-based, locally grown or recycled materials, through a series of on-campus workshops, talks and an exhibition by Lizzie King and Gwen Riley-Jones. An art garden has been planted on campus in collaboration with the University’s Sustainability team to grow plants that can be used in creating sustainable photographic artworks and a series of workshops are being offered to allow staff, students, and local community members the opportunity to learn new sustainable photography skills.

A series of six compiled images have been made by the artists created using left over food waste as the developer in the film developing process. To create positives spinach anthotypes and spinach screen prints are being made.  

For more information go to

The project is based at The University of Salford and has been funded by the Salford Advantage Fund and The University of Salford Art Collection.  

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