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Construction and Refurbishment

Blackout 2017

On Friday 10th March staff and students gathered together to take part in the National Union of Students’ Blackout campaign. After a brief training session and donning their Blackout t-shirts, the volunteers split into teams and went to audit non-essential lights and equipment in their allocated areas. The teams noted down the total number of […]

The Green Machine steps up to Green Impact challenge

Guest post from Lauren Broderick (Sports Centre receptionist) “Here at the sports centre we have been working towards the silver award in the first year of taking part in the Green Impact project. The whole team have got behind the Green Impact work and we have worked hard to make our centre greener- always thinking […]

Team Green Crescent: what Green Impact means to me

Green Crescent are ready to hit ‘submit’ on their Green Impact Bronze workbook. Progress dragged at first, but with the movement of the Governance Service Unit team into Estates H/Q came a new flush of enthusiasm and a well-stocked team. With regular meetings and the help of our trusty Green Impact noticeboard, we’ve finally got […]

Advancing towards a greener way of working

Guest post by Paul Butlin (Advancement Green Impact team, Faraday House) Over the past four months the Advancement team have been working towards Green Impact bronze award. We have found that making lots of small changes has really helped us to change our office into a greener and more sustainable environment. I asked the team […]

Success and tea for GreenCSE!

The Green CSE team, who share an office in Newton Building, won our recent Go for Gold Week prize of a tea party, despite some stiff competition from other teams (congratulations in particular to The Green Machine in the Sports Centre, to the SURF and SURGE teams and to everyone who completed actions during the […]

Energy House Team makes start on Green Impact

Guest post by Richard Fitton, Applied Buildings and Energy Research Group With the new year coming the team have made it their new year’s resolution to start trying to ascend the Green Impact league.  As a unit that prides itself on cutting edge energy research, we feel that it is a natural step for us to […]

Greening SURF

Guest post by Dr Vicky Simpson, SURF The Centre for Sustainable Urban and Regional Futures (SURF) has always regarded sustainability as a key focus of its work. The SURF Centre is committed to reducing its environmental impact and helping to make the planet more sustainable and responsible. In November SURF signed up to participate in […]

Meet the S.U.R.G.E team!

Guest article by M. Spahiev (Green Impact Project Assistant for S.U.R.G.E) Green Impact is a scheme which encourage staff and students to reduce their environmental impact. Although the program is in its fifth year nationwide, this is the first year it will run at The University of Salford. My first day as a Green Impact […]

Achieving Bronze: Green Impact workshop tips for those who missed out!

We’re almost at the end of Go for Gold Week, and today’s workshop ‘How to Achieve Green Impact Bronze’ by Sophia Perkins of the NUS deal with a number of Green Impact’s aims: bringing people together, discussing challenges and finding solutions. For those unable to attend, here’s a summary of the contents: Working the workbook: […]