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Sustainable Campus

Salford Student Village Goes Green!

Guest post from UoS Student Village Green Impact team University of Salford Student Village has really turned up the energy saving dial recently and have been promoting green initiatives Village wide! The team have been working really hard to boost environmental awareness by enforcing minimal wastage & maximised recycling, leaving helpful reminders for staff & […]

Crush it and bin it: reduces carbon (and relieves stress!)

Moshe Kinn, Student Green Impact Coordinator for the Energy House, announces the following campaign: “We at the Energy Hub Green Impact Team would like to share with you our campaign to reduce our carbon emissions by helping to reduce the volume of the rubbish we recycle and throw away. It is simple: the larger the […]

Fairtrade Fortnight: it started with a bang(ana)

Fairtrade Fortnight was marked by events all over Manchester. Unfair football matches were rigged for players to experience the un-level playing field, Ghanaian cocoa growers met audiences around the city and Manchester Art Gallery hosted a banana grower from Colombia. Indeed the banana took centre stage this year: you may have spotted some dotted around […]

Setting the scene: energy scenarios and sustainability

Guest blog from Environment and Life Sciences Green Impact team. 1.  Background  Recent Energy Outlook 2035 predicts growth in global energy consumption of 41% between 2012 and 2035 and whilst this represents slower growth than over the last 20 years it still raises the prospect of significant environmental, economic and technical challenges to future energy […]

Our winners Tom & Hadi at work in the kitchen

2013/4 Salford Masterchefs Announced!

The atmosphere was tasty as this year’s teams competed for the coveted title of Salford Masterchef. The competition was organised as part of the Love Food Hate Waste and Healthy Lifestyles campaigns. Competing in front of a live audience, each team produced two imaginative and flavoursome dishes. Five judges scored each dish on a range […]

Bike maintenance workshop a wheel success

On Tuesday February 11, University students and staff took place in a free bicycle maintenance workshop as part of Go Green Week 2014. Cycle mechanics from the National Cycling Academy in Whitefield came onto campus to pass on invaluable skills and techniques for keeping a bicycle in good shape. Puncture repair and chain maintenance were […]

Fossil-Free Friday gets (and gives) some love at Uni House!

On Valentines Day, Friends of the Earth ran a ‘Fossil-Free Friday’ event at University House, to mark People and Planet’s fossil fuel divestment campaign. Students and staff wrote Valentines Day cards to local MPs to refuse donations from the fossil fuel industry and spoke to FoE volunteers about the current fracking plans at Barton Moss near […]

Success and tea for GreenCSE!

The Green CSE team, who share an office in Newton Building, won our recent Go for Gold Week prize of a tea party, despite some stiff competition from other teams (congratulations in particular to The Green Machine in the Sports Centre, to the SURF and SURGE teams and to everyone who completed actions during the […]

Energy House Team makes start on Green Impact

Guest post by Richard Fitton, Applied Buildings and Energy Research Group With the new year coming the team have made it their new year’s resolution to start trying to ascend the Green Impact league.  As a unit that prides itself on cutting edge energy research, we feel that it is a natural step for us to […]

Greening SURF

Guest post by Dr Vicky Simpson, SURF The Centre for Sustainable Urban and Regional Futures (SURF) has always regarded sustainability as a key focus of its work. The SURF Centre is committed to reducing its environmental impact and helping to make the planet more sustainable and responsible. In November SURF signed up to participate in […]