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Sustainable Communities

A successful launch for Green Impact!

Green Impact launched last week to a crowded Council Chamber and got off to a flying start! We were particularly pleased to see so many students attending: many have applied to become Green Impact Project Assistants, who we hope will be an asset to assist teams on their Green Impact journey, gaining vital employability skills […]

Green Impact Launch goes live!

As part of our ongoing commitment to sustainability, the University has been selected to take part in Green Impact Universities and Colleges – an exciting programme led by the National Union of Students’ (NUS). Green Impact is an environmental accreditation scheme which helps to improve the working environment and to positively impact the lives of […]

Fairtrade Fortnight 2013 Review

A big ‘Thank You’ to everyone who took part and supported this year’s Fairtrade Fortnight activities and the wider Sustainability Month. This year’s theme was ‘Take A Step’ for Fairtrade to get people to think further than simply buying Fairtrade Products. Millions of farmers in developing countries are trapped in poverty because they don’t receive […]

#gogreensalford get involved!

Find out how to travel, study, work, eat and live with less impact on the environment, save money on bills and help the local community at #gogreensalford #gogreensalford, beginning Monday 11th February will see a variety of events and activities around the University campuses to show how individuals can take small steps to reduce their […]

Edible University

We are excited to be launching our latest project, Edible University! After receiving £1,000 from the University’s annual fund (thank you alumni, friends and staff of the University) we are setting up our very own food growing scheme, free and open to all students and staff members. We are currently experimenting with growing vegetables and […]

Student Masterchef

Up and Coming Events

I hope that you have had a good summer and enjoying the start of term. Have a look below at some of the exciting stuff we have going on this semester.   17th Octoberis our annual Wallness Lane clean up. We spend a couple of hours clearing along Wallness Lane by the Leisure Centre which […]

Smoothie Maker

Welcome Week 2012 Round Up

Well, Welcome Week is over for another year and we on the Sustainability Team can finally breathe! Thank you to everyone who came and visited Bec, Andy, Teo and myself at our sustainability stand at the Welcome Expo. I hope you all managed to jump on our bicycle powered Smoothie Maker or raced on the […]

New Life for Old Pants

The Environment and Sustainability Team’s textile recycling campaign, ‘New Life for Old Pants’, has been shortlisted in this year’s prestigious Green Gown Awards, which “recognise the exceptional sustainability initiatives being undertaken by universities and colleges across the UK.” The Awards, which are now in their eighth year, have become established as the most prestigious recognition […]

Tree Walk by Jackie Price

Legends and Folklore Tree Walk

We hope that you had a great time yesterday on our tree walk. Luckily the weather was sunny making us all want to be outside. Take a look at some of the pictures taken during the day by Jackie Price. Thanks Jackie! [slideshow] For more information on future nature walks and activities keep a look […]

Oliver Bishop leading our first Bee Safari

Beeeee Safarrriiiii

Saturday 31st March saw the University’s first Bee Safari on The Meadow next to Peel Park. The session was run by Oliver Bishop, a postgraduate student from the Ecosystems and Environment Research Centre here at the University, and Jess Britch, the Park Ranger for Peel Park. We had a great turn out for the session […]