Finding information

Why students should start reading the Financial Times

The Library is devoted to bringing you new, high-quality, digital resources. This week, Salford academic, Charles Knight, Associate Dean – Student Experience, explains why students should be checking out the Financial Times (and the Library’s other digital resources). Do you know what the fuss is about crypto-currency (Dogecoin to the moon!) or why people suddenly became worried about […]

Celebrating Diversity

Access for All! Promoting Inclusivity in the Library

We believe everyone should have good access to our space and services, to achieve everything they are can while studying. With this in mind, here’s a fun blog post that shows how we’re promoting inclusivity here at the Library, enjoy! Celebrating Diversity With such a diverse set of students at University of Salford, diversity should […]

Boosting wellbeing

Get back to nature this Mental Health Awareness Week

For 2021’s Nature-themed Mental Health Awareness Week, let one of The Library’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Champions, Charlotte Howell, take you on a tour of our main collection: From the importance of self-care to the personal accounts of those facing prejudice, The Library holds a range of resources for you to explore and improve your […]

Study smarter

Exams – How to make them work for you

Have you got exams coming up? Our advice will help you be at your best, both preparing for the exam and on the day itself.  Make sure you’re revising the right thing! Be clear about what sub-topics will be covered on each exam. If you aren’t sure, check – there’s no point revising something which […]

Be Creative

Take a break! Explore The Library’s Leisure Reading collection

Are you struggling with page 412 of tiny textbook print? Debating a third re-watch of Tiger King? The Library’s Leisure Reading collection might just hold the thing for you… At your Leisure Indie small-press poetry, Booker bestsellers, stellar sports biographies, and classic graphic novels are just a few of the nearly one thousand books on […]

Be Creative

International Poetry Month – Find the joy in words

Happy International Poetry Month! The event was inaugurated in 1996 by the Academy of American Poets. It is 30 days of celebration of all things poetry. Something that a lot of poets choose to do throughout the month is a writing task called ‘A Poem a Day’ – it can be of any length, of […]

Study smarter

Keeping motivation high in stressful times

When working or studying, it’s hard at the best of times to find motivation when you need it the most. It’s even harder right now with lockdowns and the pandemic. So, here are a few tips that can help you to stay motivated for any environment – whether it be in study, at work, or […]

Finding information

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses – You can do more

We want you to get the most from our resources so this week we’ve taken the inside track! Shivendra Naidoo from ProQuest tells us all about the background and benefits of ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global (PQDT). Have you ever wondered about what research has already been conducted in your discipline? Are you worried about […]

Study smarter

The Pomodoro Technique – Tomatoes instead of time

Beat procrastination and improve your focus, one Pomodoro at a time. So what’s a Pomodoro? A Pomodoro is actually a tomato in Italian but it’s also the secret to effective time management! Who ever thought that thinking in tomatoes was better than thinking in time? Now it may sound silly to think about, but many […]

Study smarter

Study life – Three ways to make it better

Don’t miss out on the new e-learning resources we’ve created to make your study life easier.    A Start to Assignment Success Assignment briefs! These are your first contact with an assignment. If you are unsure of what the task is or how to complete it; you may find that the work you produce is incomplete […]