Study smarter

Make your studies a little easier – download the library app

We’ve recently launched an app that can help you save time and effort. Our new app puts key library services at your fingertips and can help you keep on track with your studies. Time saving There are two big time-saving benefits with the library app. We’ve selected the services that you need most and grouped […]

Study smarter

Use the right resources and take your studies to the next level

We provide a wide array of high-quality resources to help make your studies a success. We have a web page that lists our new resources, and generally, as a starting point, we recommend you use Library Search – the gateway to the Library’s information resources in both print and electronic form, including books, journals, newspapers, databases […]

Celebrating Diversity

Get inspired by Black History Month 2021

Proud To Be As Black History Month UK draws to a close, we’ve selected some great, inspiring resources that represent this year’s theme, Proud to Be. Are you familiar with the late and great Toni Morrison? A writer, editor and professor, her impressive bibliography spans the full range of human emotion and experience, from the […]

Be Creative

We can be failures – just for one day

Failure Friday! What if failure didn’t have to be defined as a negative? What if we started to see it as a facet of longer-term success? We think of failure as a bad outcome, something to be ashamed of and a barrier to achieving success. This shouldn’t be the case! Festival of Failure – Failure […]

Celebrating Diversity

Researching Pride in the Library

As June draws to a close, we are reflecting on the celebrations of Pride Month. We are exploring how we can unify and research Pride going forward, making use of the resources we have available here in the Library. It’s important that we continue learning about the incredible achievements of the LGBTQ+ community, the inspiring […]

Celebrating Diversity

We cannot walk alone: Get involved in Refugee Week 2021

The contributors to The Displaced: Refugee Writers on Refugee Lives tell unique stories. Viet Thanh Ngugyen was forced to flee Vietnam aged 4 years old after his hometown was invaded by the northern communist army. Food shortages in Zimbabwe under President Mugabe’s rule pushed Novuyo Rosa Thsuma and her family to South Africa. Rampant anti-Semitism […]

Finding information

Lean Library – All you need to know!

What is Lean Library? It’s browser extension that saves you time, money, and effort. How? Well, Lean Library allows you to read electronic journal articles, e-books, reviews, and other online material provided by the Library, without having to visit Library Search first. How do you use Lean Library? Lean Library makes it simpler to access […]

Study smarter

Use USIR: Give your essay the extra edge

You might have spotted the acronym before, but are you aware of the wealth of information contained in USIR? Join The Library’s Metadata and Licensing Administrator, Andrew Marsden, as he uncovers a world of research… Did you know that the University of Salford has an Institutional Repository? Well, we do, and it’s rather snappily called […]

Finding information

Why students should start reading the Financial Times

The Library is devoted to bringing you new, high-quality, digital resources. This week, Salford academic, Charles Knight, Associate Dean – Student Experience, explains why students should be checking out the Financial Times (and the Library’s other digital resources). Do you know what the fuss is about crypto-currency (Dogecoin to the moon!) or why people suddenly became worried about […]

Celebrating Diversity

Access for All! Promoting Inclusivity in the Library

We believe everyone should have good access to our space and services, to achieve everything they are can while studying. With this in mind, here’s a fun blog post that shows how we’re promoting inclusivity here at the Library, enjoy! Celebrating Diversity With such a diverse set of students at University of Salford, diversity should […]