Now that daylight savings is upon us and we begin to enter the winter months where assignments seem to take over, it’s more important then ever to look after your mental health and wellbeing at university. That being said, here are a few ways you can prioritise your wellbeing at university, especially during this time of the year…

1. Set realistic goals
With most university assignment deadlines being due between November and December, sometimes the workload can become overwhelming, especially if you overwork yourself and burnout. Therefore, it is important to make sure you set yourself some smaller and more manageable goals, as It is a great way to stay motivated and ensure that you get your assignments done in time. Personally, I like to create myself a weekly sheet, covering small tasks towards all of my assessments. Doing one small thing at a time will make you feel a lot less stressed and allow you to time manage better.

2. Stay social
Hanging out with your friends or family is a great way to improve your mental health and wellbeing during the winter months as it gets you out of the house and socialising more. Allowing yourself to have leisurely breaks and putting work aside to spend time with friends and family members will improve your stress levels and mood. To stay indoors away from the cold, why not have a chilled pizza and movie night with your flatmates, or take a trip home to see family on the weekend!

3. Speak to a wellbeing advisor
The University of Salford provides lots of support for people struggling with their mental health. Wellbeing Advisers are always there to help, no matter what you’re going through or how big the issue may be, so make sure to use it to your advantage and don’t hesitate to book an appointment! All you have to do is visit the university’s website, look for the wellbeing section, where you can read a bit about what they can do for you, and apply for an appointment through their online form – it’s as simple as that!

4. Self care nights
Having regular self care nights are a great way to relax and destress after a long day of uni and working on all of your assignments. Things like cooking a comfort meal, putting on a face mask and watching your favourite show is bound to make you feel better, and I personally find that winding down this way is such a good way to just relax before bed so you’re not up all night worrying about assignments.
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