The recommencement of REF 2021 marks the start of the countdown to the revised submission deadline of midday, 31 March 2021, following a period during which the exercise was on hold in response to COVID-19.
As a result, our internal deadlines have moved and we are now working full steam ahead towards our new submission deadline in 2021.
New internal and external deadlines for the REF submission are as follows:
December 2020
1December: submission of 15 x impact case study drafts for final external peer review
w/c 7 December: submission of 11 x UoA-level and 1 x Institutional-level environment statements for external peer review
15 December: narrative review by Chris Simms, Royal Literary Fund, of 5 x impact case study drafts
31 December: end of publication period for publication of outputs underpinning impact case studies, as well as impact generation
January 2021
Throughout January: upload of selected outputs to REF submission system
4 January: return of 15 x impact case study drafts from external reviewer
14 January: narrative review by Chris Simms, Royal Literary Fund, of 5 x impact case study drafts
18 January: return of 11 + 1 environment statement drafts from external reviewer
February 2021
Early February: narrative review by Chris Simms, Royal Literary Fund, of all environment statements
w/c 15 February: submission of final impact case study templates and evidence to Impact, Engagement & Environment Coordinator
16 February: narrative review by Chris Simms, Royal Literary Fund, of final 5 x impact case study drafts
Late February: submission of final environment statements to UoS REF team
March 2021
1 March onwards: upload of final outputs, impact case studies and environment statements to REF submission system
31 March: closing date for submissions to REF
Publication of outcomes is due in April 2022.
Go to to check out all the REF guidance and more.
If you would like to find out more about impact in particular, please contact Emma Sutton, Impact, Engagement and Environment Coordinator on