Impact Case Study

REF2021 results now publicly available

The Research Excellence Framework (REF) is the UK’s system for assessing the quality of research in UK higher education institutions (HEIs), with the most recent REF exercise being completed by HEIs in March 2021. The main purpose of the REF is to: provide accountability for public investment in research provide benchmarking information and establish reputational […]

Build-up to REF2021 results month!

The Research Excellence Framework (REF) is the system for assessing the quality of research in UK higher education institutions (HEIs), with the most recent REF exercise being completed and submitted by HEIs across the UK in March 2021. Exactly four weeks from today, institutions will find out (under embargo) how they fared in this latest […]

Energy House 2.0 has opened its doors!

The University of Salford’s new Energy House 2.0 research facility is now complete. Before the next phase of work begins, colleagues at Salford have been invited to take a look inside. All of this week (14-18 February 2022) the doors of Energy House 2.0 are open to colleagues to take part in a tour of the facility […]

Impact Case Study Resource Fund 2019/20

Based on REF2014 data, a 4* impact case study is estimated to be worth at least £324,000 to an institution in QR funding over the course of the REF cycle. This is the equivalent value of around 5 to 6 outputs. Given that the weighting for impact has increased in REF2021 from 20% to 25% […]

Guidance on collecting impact evidence

If you are looking to generate impact from your research, please ensure that you engage from the start with the University Impact, Engagement and Environment Coordinator, Emma Sutton, and your School Impact Coordinator** so that the impact can be tracked and evidenced on an ongoing basis. Key points to consider when you start a new […]

Preparing for impact peer review

This month we are conducting an internal peer review of our potential impact case studies in preparation for REF2021. Twenty of these will subsequently be selected for external peer review in June. Each Unit of Assessment (UoA) team has been asked to assign at least two reviewers to each impact case study (1 x Lead […]

Refining your impact case studies

Our potential case study leads for REF2021 have recently submitted the second draft of their impact case studies, which will be assessed as part of an internal peer review process in April. Twenty of these will then also be selected for external peer review in June. At this stage in the process, feedback from colleagues […]

Confirmed Impact Guidance for REF2021

With less than 2 years to go until our REF submission (deadline: Friday, 27th November 2020), the final set of guidance materials for REF2021 (including guidance on submissions and panel guidelines) was published on 31 January 2019 following wide consultation with the sector in late 2018. The final guidance documentation is available at What […]

Research Impact Fund – Special Call

To support researchers at Salford in becoming more ‘impactful’, the University operates an internal Research Impact Fund, which offers: • up to £1000 that must be match-funded by your School/Research Centre, to individuals and groups in support of activities that reflect the University’s desire to increase the impact and reach of its research, and/or highlight […]