Have you heard of Creative Entrepreneur 2016? It is Salford Business School’s industry collaboration event! Here at Salford Business School, industry collaboration is really important. We really want to make sure our teaching is real-world relevant and that our graduates are as employable as possible.
How do we do this? How do we create a bridge between theory and practice? Creative Entrepreneur is one of the ways! This will be our third year of holding the event at MediaCityUK and we hope, once again, to grow. I am always amazed by the generosity and wealth of talent of the range of industry experts, students, alumni and organisations involved each year. 2016 promises to be bigger and better than ever!
At the event you will meet young entrepreneurial students as well as staff and businesses from nearby and further afield. Join us at MediaCityUK on Wednesday 23 November from 9.00am to 5.00pm. The programme and registration for the 2016 event is now open. But, before you signup here is a taste of some reasons you should come to Creative Entrepreneur 2016.
Find out about Creative Entrepreneur 2016 – Information video
The video below was produced by our students working with award-winning photographer from Salford, Andrew Brooks; Andrew who will be running a workshop at the event showing you how to take amazing photos with your mobile!
Insider info for our next generation of entrepreneurs
At Creative Entrepreneur you will hear from experienced entrepreneurs like Vikas Shah and Claud Williams. Perhaps they will give you that spark to take your entrepreneurial ideas forward!
Claud is a fantastic speaker. In this video you can see him action-talking about the benefit of making friends with strangers. At Creative Entrepreneur, he will be sharing with us his uniques ‘warts and all’ insights into the ups and downs of creating a company and what it takes to drive a successful business.
Meanwhile, Professor Vikas S. Shah is an award-winning entrepreneur, strategist and educator. He has successfully built global businesses for almost 20 years. In his career he has also interviewed many influential thinkers including Sir Richard Branson, Buzz Aldrin, Maya Angelou, Noam Chomsky and more than 12 Nobel Laureates in economics, sciences and peace building. His understanding of what it takes to drive success will be fascinating.
Health and Wellbeing

This year, there will be a range of talks and workshops considering health and wellbeing. A panel of experts is going to bring their views and personal experiences on how to enable communities to improve their social, mental and physical welfares through new tech and innovation. This session will ask how their messages for social change can be further amplified and where they see the future of community-driven projects going. The event is interactive, so come and ask questions and mix with the speakers before and afterwards.
Hack on Wheels will be there with a workshop. They have created an online library of open source designs and instructions for creating bespoke customisable wheelchairs. Anyone can freely use, adapt and develop a wheelchair to fit their needs. Is this the future of healthcare? Meanwhile, Neil Withnell and his colleagues are bringing their ‘Patient Experience’ to MediaCityUK. This is an experiential strategy that enhances learning. It replicates events in a safe and supported environments. The workshop will let people get hands-on, participate in a scenario and experience the benefits of simulation.
Prof. Simon Chadwick will be hosting a panel with a stellar lineup discussing issues and challenges faced in the world of Sports Business. Panel members include Sally Horrox (Director of Marketing and Business Development, World Skills UK), Matt Rogan (Chairman of Two Circles), Richard Ayers (CEO of 7 League) & Sally Hancock (Managing Partner, Y Sport).
In another session Matt Rogan will be discussing data driven sport and how he built an 80-strong international business. He will tell you some of the ways in which data and digital is changing the outlook for sport, but also the opportunities, challenges and ups-and-downs of leading a disruptive, fast-growth start-up business.
Creative and Digital
MediaCityUK is a huge force for Creative and Digital in Europe, so at Creative Entrepreneur you can expect to be wowed! Dr.Aleksej Heinze hosts an amazing panel of experts discussing VR, AR & digital marketing. Then Marshmallow Laser Feast will be presenting some of their incredible video and interactive work. Check out their video below.
Engineering and environment
At Salford we have also commissioned an Innovative film on Smart Cities. A performance from speculative architect Liam Young engages with an all-seeing smart city operating system. Imagine riding in a driverless taxi on a storytelling tour through a network of software systems, autonomous infrastructures, ghost architectures, anomalies, glitches and sprites, searching the wilds beyond the machine. This session promises to be an awesome journey!
Don’t miss out!
There are lots of other reasons to be there! Too many to tell you all here, but you will not be disappointed. Registration is free at this amazing event while tickets last so secure your free place while you can. If you are late we will add you to a waiting list, but best to get in fast if you can!
Also, help us by leaving comments letting us know what you think below and sharing this post on your favourite social network with people you think would want to come too! We are looking forward to seeing you on November 23rd – register now to secure your place!