Join us for a free Digital High Street breakfast workshop for local retailers who want to find more about social media and eCommerce.
The high street is operating in an ever more challenging economic context. It is important that retail businesses adapt to change in order to maximise their profile and customer base. This workshop will be of interest to retail businesses from across Salford that are looking to continually improve their business performance and gain an introduction to the potential benefits of digital technology to their business.
Salford Business School and Salford City Council are working together to help local retailers to use technology and social media more effectively for their businesses. This will be an opportunity to network with colleagues from the retail sector, gain a few insights into how technology can benefit your business along with a few tips from the taster sessions.
Date: Thursday, 11th June 2015 from 7:30 AM to 9:30 AM
7:30am – 7:50am register with tea and coffee
7:50am – 8am Background: Retail Digital Sector Overview
8am- 8:10am: Taster Session 1: How do I get my retail business online
8:10am- 8:20am: Taster Session 2: How can I use social media in my business
8:20am – 8:30am: Q and A
8:30am- 9am: Network
Lady Hale
Room G03
Salford Business School
The University of Salford
The Crescent
M5 4WT
Campus map – building 14 – see http://www.salford.ac.uk/about-us/travel – free parking is provided
Click here to book for this free event
Dr Marie Griffiths m.griffiths@salford.ac.uk
Dr. Justin Bentham justin.bentham@salford.gov.uk