We have recently received great feedback from the British Council on Salford Business School’s Erasmus Intensive Programmes held in April 2014. This is an example of the work undertaken by the Erasmus Intensive Programme team at the Business School and which the British Council has highly commended for producing products of excellent international quality.
The two programmes that were organised by us are Rural Tourism and Destination Analysis.
These programmes were organised with seven European partners attracting visitors from seven countries.
Each programme allows students to study in international groups at a single host University for a 2 week intensive period. The European Union (EU) funding covers the costs of flights, accommodation and subsistence for the programme participants.
As one student commented:
“The destination analysis module was a truly enriching experience for me. It gave me a unique opportunity to share my ideas and knowledge with students from other countries while working on an authentic tourism project.“
Evaluation assessment
Each Intensive programme achieved the highest score possible for the evaluation assessment. Comments from the assessors are as follows;
Rural Tourism: “The report shows that the project is strong and its outcomes are coherent with the objectives set at the time of application. A good partnership helps easing the processes with the benefit represented by a previous edition of the IP. Some improvements can be seen in the recognition of studies to participants, as ECTS seems to be established among all institutions.
Strong points (participation of enterprises, selection of students) have been reinforced to produce a product of good quality. The report shows that its second edition has improved the good impressions of the first year. Objectives achieved, effective management and good results make the overall assessment very positive.” Joan-Anton Carbonell, British Council
Destination Analysis: “The IP report reflects an IP during which the relationships between partners has matured and stimulated thought for further activity. The diversity of teaching approaches combined with the integration of the IP into the partners courses (with the award of 10 ECTS) are strengths. More attention [within the final report] could be paid to stressing the innovative elements of the project and the identification and development of a European dimension.
This IP demonstrates that the subject specific components of the IP have been addressed and met. Additionally the partner organisations appear to have taken account of the wider issues of European co-operation and have addressed issues of integration and development of relationships for sustainability.” Andy Gibbs, British Council
Future projects
The academic year 2013/14 saw the end of Erasmus Intensive Programmes. To sustain the work produced during the years of delivering these innovative courses our team has now placed two further applications for the new Erasmus+ Key Action 2 projects for strategic partnerships. If successful, these projects will further the relationships of our partner institutions, developing relationships with national and international business stakeholders, collaborative research and an enhanced international student experience.
For more information on our ERASMUS intensive programme see blog posts by our international colleagues from Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK) and one of our students participants.
Want to find out more information?
Get in-touch with your Salford Business School ERASMUS Intensive Programme team:
Project team (Academic): Richard Bell, Michael Evans, Simon Ireland & Jonathan Swift.
Project team (Professional Services): Richard Castle, Jackie Curtis, Mary McManus, Irene Troughton, Deborah Woodman.